Plan A: apply for Ford predoctoral again
Plan B: apply for NSF/NIH (one of those, because this will be the last year I am eligible to apply for it
Plan C: apply for the Paul and Daisy Soros fellowship for New Americans
Basically all of these fellowships give me one more year as eligible to apply for.
I didn't get it guys I applied for the predoctoral there a way I can contact them to ask for feedback?! It's okay I have plans A, B, and C lined up for next year! Congrats to flashinglights and good luck to the rest of you!
I just called the office today (8:30 PST). At first I didn't know what Honorable Mention meant so in the beginning I put "No", but then I called and emailed saying that I would like to be included in the HM list, if I were considered for it. I also asked about when decisions will be made. The lady told me it could be anytime this week, but Friday for sure at the latest. I'm shaking in my bones Good luck everyone!