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    Fulbright Student Full

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. I had trouble getting contact with someone as well, but then I figured maybe it was sent to their spam so I sent another email from my university account and it got through. Hope that helps!
  2. That does sound super confusing. Hopefully you will have some good news soon then??
  3. Well, I think you have to consider that the other person was an ETA, while I'm guessing you applied for a traditional grant? That might explain why they were contacted and you were not. Hang in there though readtowin....I'm a Norway alternate and I'm sort of in the same boat as you.....waiting waiting waiting... Good Luck!!
  4. Beside Rachel saying she didn't think that they would be getting additional funding for Norway....nope... It doesn't seem like anyone has declined the award either.... I know alternates from Iceland, Finland and Sweden have been moved up, but none so far for Norway it seems.
  5. Hello! It looks like Fulbright has updated their one page synopsis of 2010 application stats for Europe. Here is the link if you're interested. https://us.fulbrightonline.org/documents/regionalonepage/US-Europe-Eurasia-2010-11.pdf
  6. For those interested in Norway Fulbright, it looks like for next year they are offering 15 full grants, rather than the 10 they offered this year..... http://us.fulbrightonline.org/program_country.html?id=81
  7. So two offices contacted you separately? Hmm... I'm an alternate for Norway and I only got the letter from NY. I didn't have to tell them I wanted to stay on the list though, I thought it was by default you stayed on the list unless you requested to be withdrawn?? They should find out around May/June if they have additional funding.
  8. It doesn't make sense for all the extra recommended candidates to be alternates....however, when it comes to being in an alternate position, less seems to make sense. There are supposed to be approximately 10 grants for Norway as well; meaning 15-20 recommended candidates. So far based on this forum, we've found 5 alternates for Norway and who knows how many more are alternates that are not on this forum.... I'm really proud of myself for making it to an alternate position and everyone else who is a finalist should feel just as proud. At the same time, it's really tough being an alternate and wondering when and if you will be moved up. But, it feels even worse when you focus on it. Sometimes you have to move on and maybe while you're busy with other things this spring/summer you will get the best email/phone call ever
  9. I guess this is a confirmation of a Norway Full grant recipient.... http://www2.isu.edu/headlines/?p=3054
  10. The spreadsheet is really messed up. All the Norway ones are messed up, so I'm guessing there are a bunch of other ones as well.....
  11. Yes, an update would be really appreciated. Even though I've already been notified as an alternate, I still find myself checking this forum VERY often.
  12. Are there any Norway applicants who have gotten acceptance letters? So far it seems like there are a lot of alternates and a very few accepted & rejected. I know me and the rest of the alternates on this thread would really appreciate a rough count of those accepted. Thanks!
  13. Your Norwegian is much better than mine. I'm still only a beginner.
  14. Well, you've already put a lot of work into that spreadsheet....(which is appreciated, btw). Google can be a bit of hassle sometimes, while at the same time, I don't know how I would navigate the internet without google.
  15. I think what's happening is people are sorting the spreadsheet alphabetically or by status, date, etc. Since the headings are not set permanent on the spreadsheet, they move around as well. Is there a way for the admin. to set the headings so they can't be moved/changed?
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