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    Political Science Ph.D.

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  1. Does anyone have an idea of what is going on at Northwestern? A few admits, then nothing. I commiserate with all those going through this-it is nerve wracking! They are my last (thin) hope after I found out about the Iowa funding situation.
  2. Wow, those are some impressive schools. I know this doesn't count, but visisted some folks at Wisconsin who talked a good South Asia game. Personally, I've heard good things about Columbia and Yale. I don't know too much about the others from that perspective. Hope that helps.
  3. Not good news from Iowa regarding funding-the situation apparently looks grim. Plan B might be in order.
  4. I wouldn't worry too much. I live in the next state, so if you are farther away, perhaps your letter hasn't arrived yet.
  5. Accepted at University of Iowa! Received letter today dated February 18th. No details on funding-will update later.
  6. I fiddled around with Wolverine Access too, but to no avail. Finally, I emailed the political science department, and received this in response (very quickly, I might add). "The admissions committee has made their decisions. However, you will not be receiving and offer of admission. Due to budget constraints, we were not able to make as many offers as would have liked too. Thank you for your interest and applying to the Political Science Program. Best of luck to you, in your future endeavors." So, I would say that Michigan appears to be done. I am kind of bummed-0 for 3 so far (Duke, Yale, Michigan) with no word from WUSTL (a faint hope I know) and Iowa yet to come next week, maybe.
  7. My stats: 3.43 Undergraduate GPA, dual major Political Science and History 3.99 Graduate GPA (master's degree from a respected liberal arts school) 610 Verbal, 640 Quant, 5.5 Essay (700 Verbal my first try, had to pee during 2nd and got the "experimental" section, sorry for TMI, but trying to be real). Two publications, one article under review at BJPS. Six conference presentations. Three poster sessions. One panel chaired. One paid research position. Two paid research positions with US govt. sponsored think tank. Edited book chapter. Two years of undergraduate teaching at local state college.
  8. I would echo the thoughts of others-I've been told by several respected professors not to accept an offer that doesn't have funding. It's just too hard to do if you also have to get a job-like most of us would need to. As far as the MA goes, it has worked well for me to get one. I went to a good liberal arts school and networked-worked with the graduate director on his research-got a paid research position ($10/hr) and also was able to get an internship with a local think tank ($17/hr). Furthermore, I was able to get two positions teaching as an adjunct at local universities. So, since I received my M.A., I've made back all I spent on the degree (20k) and more. Plus, it set me up to have a research agenda when and IF I ever get an acceptance letter! Good luck!
  9. The last I heard (from a admin person there) was that decisions were being made this week (16th-20th) and possibly next week (23rd-27th). She also said that it would take 48 hours from the time they made a decision until the link goes up on the Apply yourself site. Given all of the talk about delays and such for other universities, perhaps they are in the same boat. So, I am still hoping.
  10. Don't know if anyone is applying to Iowa, but apparently they are about 2 weeks out-I received that news from the DGS.
  11. Dear "dreadadiplomat", I completely understand where you are coming from. My wife has a good job here working for the city here in our small town. I also have two kids in high school. I have a job running a small business and teach as an adjunct at the local city college (due to my MA and some govt. service). I picked schools that were geographically close for the most part and am praying that I get accepted at either one. However, I was fortunate that I have two good schools relatively close by (Iowa and WUSTL). My wife has a wait and see attitiude about the whole thing, which obviously depends much on the funding offers I may or may not receive, but I share your concerns-it is a lot to ask loved ones to step out on that limb with you. However, things have a way of turning out for the best-if you are open to them, opportunities can come at the strangest times and places. Good luck
  12. Dear mwash, Of your accepted list (Chicago, Duke, UCSD, Berkeley) Chicago is, I believe, leaning more towards constructivist work as of late, although some have told me that their program is kind of in disarray. I talked to some students there last year who had some real horror stories. UCSD has a very good reputation as a stats oriented comparative school, as does Duke and Berkeley. As far pursuing a realist research agenda, I would think that Duke would be the best one. Good luck!
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