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Everything posted by drip

  1. Thanks for sharing these articles. I've been trying to dig up articles on NYU and UCSD. These two programs are under the radar despite their geographic advantages. I'm wondering why this is so. The SD program is better regarded but, then this brings into question the legitimacy of the ranking systems. It's been really hard to weigh the pros and cons against one another. UCSD is the better value ticket wise and it's supposed to be an up and coming school. (Although, I can't tell if this is what the program wants their admits to believe) Have you heard anything about the NYU program? Any info or thoughts would help...
  2. Yes, I interviewed with them last week and found out this morning.
  3. Same here. Any idea on what their aid packages are like?
  4. I had my interview yesterday. I couldn't help myself; my parting question was, "When will candidates receive an answer?" Early next week. Good luck!
  5. I'm not sure when you hear back from them. I have an interview later this week. I did read on this thread that someone was given admission right after the interview. How long was the interview?
  6. I called Columbia this morning: Answers will be emailed on April 1st.
  7. i recieved an email for an interview in late February. From some of the threads it appears that candidates who interviewed early in March have recieved a definite answer.
  8. Hello fellow aspiring MFA's, I was wondering if any of you know a thing or two about the UCSD program. I was admitted with a very nice financial package and am heavily leaning towards their program. However, the location- as pleasant as it maybe- is a bit out of the circle for me. Also, the program seems large, with over 50 students. I was looking for a smaller program but those are usually very expensive and/or very competitive to get into. I'd appreciate any input. Thanks! And good luck.
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