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Summer wine

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Everything posted by Summer wine

  1. Hey I dont know about UIUC but Northwestern said that they would be sending out a second mail sometime in the coming weeks (this was about a week back) with a proper deadline for us to accept (different from the one on the virtual letter) and with scholarships offers if any.
  2. Nope. Havent heard a wod from them....not that i can afford them..but would sure feel good to be able to reject them
  3. Guys does anyone know what the deadline is for replying to Northwestern admits?? The letter says August 8th but that sounds really unlikely....and they havent replied to my email......
  4. Gaaah!Vanderbilt reject Anyone heard from TC or UIUC yet??No word from BU either Accept: SUNY, Northwestern Waiting: BU, UIUC,TC..
  5. No not over the summer...If i go with NU or SUNY they have a plan for a leveling/makeup year before i start advanced courses...so i'll complete the program in 3 years. Congrats on your BU admit! Im still waiting to hear from them....
  6. Hey guys..so im new to this forum. Been reading through the posts and its so good to hear from people out there tgoing through the same nerve wracking process of waiting for replies!! I got admits from Northwestern, SUNY Buffalo and Ohio University... Any inputs on these programs?? Especially SUNY cuz ive heard very little about them...Im loving Nowrthwestern but they're gonna burn a hole in my pockets! I need to take most of the pre reqs for all these programs as well so...really confused!! Also Northwestern hasnt said anything bout scholarships in the letter... Still waiting to hear from BU,TC,UIUC, and Vandy...
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