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Byrd McDaniel

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Everything posted by Byrd McDaniel

  1. Have you heard back from Arkansas? I'm awaiting a reply from them, too.
  2. Has anyone heard back from Columbia? I'm still awaiting my reply... Do we just keep checking our online status?
  3. I'm in the same boat that you're in. I'm not sure about the program, but I did apply to it. I am hoping to hear back soon...
  4. I just received a notification in the (snail) mail that I was accepted for an MA in American Studies. I applied to the BA to PhD track, but they only offered me the MA. I hope this helps all of those out there. I think this should mean that people will receive a response very soon.
  5. Has anyone heard anything?
  6. Agreed. I am glad to have some sense of a timeline. They really dragged their feet on getting back to students. I bet those applications sat on a desk for about 2 months.
  7. I just got a letter of acceptance from CU. Flat White, could I have your e-mail address so that I could e-mail you some questions? You sound like you have a great handle on the program, and I'd love some extra info. Thanks a lot.
  8. I just called the lady. She said: "Acceptances went out at the beginning of the month, and wait lists and rejections went out this past Friday. So, if we haven't received a letter, then I assume we're awaiting a rejection or wait list. Best of luck.
  9. Does Utah have an e-mail for a graduate department or anything? I can't find any sort of e-mail on the site.
  10. Me too. I think the letters went out on Monday, but I'm in Texas...
  11. I wonder if I should call them and ask...
  12. I know that you can check the status online. Just google "Utah graduate school tracking" and a site will pop up. You enter your SS#, birthday, and some other information. It is taking so long. I better get it this week!
  13. Anyone apply to Alabama's program?
  14. Who has heard from the University of Alabama? I received my acceptance, but I am curious about others in the program. I am trying to make my decision. Has anyone else been accepted? Are you going to commit to the program?
  15. Me too. I talked to a woman in the graduate office who said we should receive replies by this past Friday at the latest, but this wasn't true for me... I think maybe she meant that they'll send out replies this past Friday, which would make them arrive throughout this week.
  16. I applied and have not received a reply. The status of my application is something like: "Out to Department." I suppose the wait continues?
  17. Has anyone not heard from the graduate program? I applied to the MA English program, and I haven't heard anything from the school... Did they send physical mail or e-mails? I feel like I should have heard something by now.
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