I just received a notification in the (snail) mail that I was accepted for an MA in American Studies. I applied to the BA to PhD track, but they only offered me the MA. I hope this helps all of those out there. I think this should mean that people will receive a response very soon.
Agreed. I am glad to have some sense of a timeline. They really dragged their feet on getting back to students. I bet those applications sat on a desk for about 2 months.
I just got a letter of acceptance from CU. Flat White, could I have your e-mail address so that I could e-mail you some questions? You sound like you have a great handle on the program, and I'd love some extra info. Thanks a lot.
I just called the lady. She said: "Acceptances went out at the beginning of the month, and wait lists and rejections went out this past Friday.
So, if we haven't received a letter, then I assume we're awaiting a rejection or wait list. Best of luck.
I know that you can check the status online. Just google "Utah graduate school tracking" and a site will pop up. You enter your SS#, birthday, and some other information. It is taking so long. I better get it this week!
Who has heard from the University of Alabama? I received my acceptance, but I am curious about others in the program. I am trying to make my decision. Has anyone else been accepted? Are you going to commit to the program?
Me too. I talked to a woman in the graduate office who said we should receive replies by this past Friday at the latest, but this wasn't true for me... I think maybe she meant that they'll send out replies this past Friday, which would make them arrive throughout this week.
Has anyone not heard from the graduate program? I applied to the MA English program, and I haven't heard anything from the school... Did they send physical mail or e-mails? I feel like I should have heard something by now.