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Posts posted by Iamhere

  1. Just get back from Madison (J-school). Great vibrant intellectual culture, super nice departmental collegiality, interesting research group-based mentoring model, amazing dataset almost tailored to my research areas, highly approachable and helpful faculty members, and plus incredibly beautiful natural environment. The only downside is their financial support may not be super ideal. But I am satisfied since I got oral promise for 4-year guaranteed funding.

    All right, Madison and Penn, now my head really splits, to be honest. More to follow after the campus visit to Penn.

    Wow..I kinda regret not visiting Madison! Please let me know more when we meet! See you at Penn! :)

  2. I just received an acceptance (via email) from UW- Madison's Journalism and Mass Comm program. I'm actually kind of shocked. (But very grateful!!!)

    Did anyone else hear from them? I have no idea if all acceptances went out at once. My email was addressed to me-- but was otherwise not personalized. It says funding decisions will be out March 5th.

    Congrats! I also received the same email. :) I'm very pleased but I will make decisions based on funding.

  3. S@lly congrats! After all that worrying you got into your first choice program! Way to go!

    Gurlsaved Oh I applied to the phd program. Texas wasn't actually a good fit for mr cuz my focus areas are more about media communication. No worries I think I already got it over with.

    For ppl applying to UC Santa Barbara, I just had a long chat with one of the professors and was informed that the pool of applicants have been narrowed down to about 20 ppl. It's gonna take about two weeks for the final results to come out so people let's hang in there!

  4. @ mrpbn7 Hi! Nice to see another applicant to UW Madison! I really like some professors there, especially Prof. Dhavan Shah who specializes in the effects of television on consumption. However, I've also heard that funding is insufficient. Hey, I'm also getting my master's thesis ready...but I can hardly concentrate!! Ackk!!

    @edost Congrats on the interview! I also applied to telecomm. They only asked me for a translation of my master's thesis proposal. I gave them a translated section but haven't heard back from them since. :o

    @IronicStatement Hey me too! I just got my first rejection from UT Austin :( I knew the school and I didn't fit very well but rejections still suck. I hope there're more good news on the way for you!

    to All...I think February will be the peak of hearing back from schools! I wish everyone good luck!

  5. @S@lly Your journey is truly fascinating! With all that experience, I'm sure your motivations and goals are clear. The schools you applied to will definitely take notice of you! Good luck!

    @IronicStatement Congrats on your acceptance! My heart jumped a bit because I also applied to Wisconsin Madison, but to their department of journalism and mass media. Hope more good news comes your way!

  6. @Ville Wow.. that was a long but helpful post. I'm starting to think, it's really really important to know what the school is like besides terms of a fit of research interests. I guess the whole academic atmosphere (rigorous/open/curious etc. ?) would also contribute to my success and mental health during the Ph.D program. Making decisions are going to be hard. There are so many things to consider such as professors, placements, name value, weather, atmosphere (+ in my case, distance between my boyfriend who is also applying to Ph.D. programs)

    And about career choices. I would like to stay in the academic world, but my career interests are not limited to this. I also want to consider other options such as research institutes, government positions, and think tanks!

    @S@lly I applied to UC Santa Barbara's Communication Ph.D. program and was invited by one of the professors to chat (She used the term 'talk' but I'm guessing this is like an informal interview :wacko: )

    By the way, what kind of standards are all you applicants willing to adhere to when making final decisions later? I'm curious.

  7. WOW, that is indeed fantastic news!!! Congratulations Iamhere!

    Do you mind sharing with us which programs have already sent you offers? I am still waiting for the seven programs I have applied to :( A million thanks!

    I am still waiting for almost over ten programs!

    I'm not sure if your schools overlap with mine, but anyways, I've been accepted to Purdue University and Ohio State University's communication Ph.D. programs. Another school has contacted me to set up an interview date.

    Hope this helps!

  8. @lamhere, that's actually a good question to ask the professor upfront if you're comfortable, (saying something along the lines of "I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to work with you on my statement and submit it for a fellowship candidacy. I still have some schools to hear back from before I make my decision, but I am very excited about your program. Please let me know what guidelines I should follow to revise my statement.")

    generally departments have to nominate individuals for fellowships very early in the process. And there's no guarantee you'll get it. So as long as you don't send an email stating that you accept the offer of admission, you should be just fine to revise your statement and resubmit for candidacy. That being said, if you are 100% positive that you do not want to go to this school, then I would carefully consider whether you want the professor to take the time to help you with the statement.

    You generally don't have to accept any offers until April 15th (ideally before that if you know where you want to go, they accept you, and you get the funding you want/need). So don't feel pressured. Any correspondence between you and the department that isn't in an official capacity (usually you'll have to agree to go to the school in writing, or sign some sort of agreement online) doesn't bind you to agreeing to go there.

    Congrats on your acceptances! :)

    Thank you so much!! I was really unsure how to deal with this matter. Still, it's one of the schools I've been wanting to go to so I guess trying out for a fellowship won't hurt. But I suppose I should be subtley careful about my wording.

    Thanks for the advice!!

  9. Finally! I am getting answers!

    Two schools unofficially sent their admission letters via email to me.

    I'm thrilled!

    However, the professor of one school wishes to revise my statement with me in order to submit it for a fellowship candidacy.

    If I accept this offer, does this mean I am officially accepting the admission?

    As I don't know the results of other schools I'm not sure how I should proceed with this offer.

    Any suggestions?

  10. @IronicStatement I'm interested in Computer mediated Communication also, although my first impression of CMC is that you must be more knowledgable in pyschology and statistics. Good luck with admissions! I see you've got a great choice of schools.

    @clarisse09 Yes, it actually did cost a lot of money :(. From admission fees to postal mail fees and score reporting fees...I guess I am a bit desperate about admissions. Anyways, I hope my hard work and money pays off!

  11. Hi all!

    I'm from Korea and I've applied to about 15 programs *whew!*

    To name a few, I've applied to Northwestern U, Purdue U, University of Penn, U of Michigan, Michigan State, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford and loads more!

    I'm interested in the effects of television and ICT on relationships, health communication, and online communities.

    After all that hectic applying business I'm coming down with a bad case of anxiety and regret.

    You know, 'Ah..I should have written my sop better' and 'What if I get rejected from all the schools' type of worrying..

    Still I'm waiting it out by preparing my master's thesis.

    Also the good news is I got an email from one school I applied to asking for a translation of my thesis proposal.

    So now I'm trying to translate this flawed piece of work smoothly. :(

    Anyways, good luck everyone!

    Nice thread!

  12. I have experience in political science, not comm, but from my very limited comm experience poli sci is a more stats-heavy discipline in general. In my entering class, which contained two master's students and six or seven PhD students, I would say overall we possessed very basic stats knowledge (maybe on the level of one, possibly two, undergrad stats courses). I had taken a semester of calculus but never taken statistics. Our program's research methods sequence was set up to start with a very basic stats course and work up from there - and it was not difficult at all.

    I imagine comm to be similar; of course it probably depends a lot on what school and type of program you apply to, but all the course requirement lists I've seen include some stats-based research methods courses that should teach what you need. I haven't seen any programs that have stats prereq requirements, either.

    Thanks Clarisse09! :) You've been a lot of help. The history of Communication as a scholarly field hasn't been long, so I'm pretty sure it deals with less complicated statistics compared to sociology or psychology. Still, the articles I read these days are using more and more sophisticated statistical tools which makes me kind of uneasy :(. Oh well, hope I can build up my basis when I get into the program! Thanks!

  13. Hi I'm an international student applying for Communication Phd programs this year.

    I'm actually very curious to know how communication Phd students deal with math or statistics.

    As I'm interested in quantitative research I know I should be able to deal with statistics

    but math and statistics have never been my strongest area. I am familiar with very (that means really very :( ) basic statistics though.

    Do Phd programs offer statistics courses that I can follow up or are statistical knowledge and application skills something required as soon as I start?

    Since starting a Phd program is a big investment I'd really like to know how all of you prepared or how you are all trying to deal with statistics during the Phd program.

    Thanks in advance! :)

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