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  • Interests
    Horror and Landscape
  • Program
    English Literature PhD

Herrman's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. That's very inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm dusting my knees off as we speak....
  2. Interesting.... I never knew the Rhet/Comp folks were so nice! Thanks for the suggestion and good luck in your work!
  3. Thanks and good luck to you in your studies!
  4. Agreed! Passion is rare and dangerous thing, but it's the point of it all, isn't it? Good luck to you and keep fighting the good fight! (pretend I've posted a gunslinger emoticon #here#)
  5. Awesome! Where are you studying? And tell me more about the psychoanalytic approach, sounds intriguing....

  6. Hey - we have really similar areas of interest! I'm looking at landscape representation in C20th and contemporary lit, particularly Sci Fi and Horror, through a psychoanalytic lens mostly...

    I think we should be friends!

  7. I think you're right, TB. Most of the time the labels are pretty arbitrary to begin with. Heck, I'd consider "The Yellow Wallpaper" horror. In the meantime...Ever Onward!
  8. Thanks for the encouragement! I might just jump back into the shark-pool next fall. We'll see. Good luck on your studies!
  9. Linguists, eh? My mother warned me about you folks... Just kidding. Thanks for the kind words. They made me smile.
  10. This is my first time actually posting to the sight. I have, however, been a constant lurker and want to thank everyone for all the intelligent comments and support in evidence here. I applied to six schools this year and found out yesterday that I did not get into any of them. I'm sure others must have experienced this, and even if you didn't, most people realized some form of rejection. I've posted a few thoughts about it here for anyone interested: My link (http://heatherherrman.wordpress.com/) To the rest of you, Congratulations! I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I'm glad to know that there are people out there who still care about, study, and promote literature.
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