This. is. KILLING me! My own advisor is calling me in a panic every week or so just to vent: "Have you heard about the Fulbright? I know you haven't heard; it's not posted on the website, why haven't you heard?" (Also: would a three-word email kill them? Dear X: Yes/No. It would take 0.5 seconds.)
Sigh. The situation clearly requires more yoga and less coffee. I'm running on negative Zen fumes. Meanwhile, suerte a todos and hang in there.
2-3 WEEKS?? Oy. Thanks for breaking down and emailing, though...if you hadn't, I would have. My poor roommates are already used to me hovering over the mailbox as if the fabled manilla envelope might magically appear in it.
Hahaha...I got the same email from my university's office--same subject line, same pounding heart, same desire to shout at the screen when I realized they had no more idea what was going on than I did. (I'm waiting on Mexico, myself...still don't know, still losing countless hours from checking my email every ten seconds.) Good luck!