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About jnoel12

  • Birthday 04/17/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Montreal Quebec
  • Interests
    Graph Theory
  • Application Season
    Already Attending
  • Program
    MSc - Mathematics

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  1. Great, congrats . I'm curious, what day is your letter dated?
  2. Awesome, congrats. Ughh, I want to get my letter and get this over with! I've lost hope in hearing from McGill, lol.
  3. congrats
  4. I have heard from a few different people that they do. I don't know what the purpose of this ranking is though. I am not sure whether or not NSERC takes it into consideration.
  5. Are you sure about this? I am in the middle of a CGS M right now and my application from last year still says "received." In any case, it doesn't really matter. If your application status is "received," then you can be confident that your application has been seen by the people at NSERC. As selecttext said, your status on the online system does not indicate whether or not you got an award. You have to either find out from your school/department, or wait for a letter.
  6. McGill seems to be very secretive about these things. Both last year and this year, I asked a few different people, and they all said that they didn't have any information. Given that so many universities already know the results and tell students, there must be someone at McGill who knows, but aren't telling. I guess that this is their policy. Last year, one of them contacted me again later to tell me my result... but it was one week after I received my letter .
  7. I never thought I'd say this, but I hate Fridays! If we don't hear today, then we have to wait a whole weekend, and maybe more . I think that next week is a good time to start stalking the mailman, lol.
  8. Wow, that was fast. Which school? Sorry to hear about that. These awards are very competitive, especially in recent years. I doubt that. I think that it depends on the school/department. Most schools won't contact any of their applicants, but might release the result if you ask. NSERC will notify everyone by mail at roughly the same time (although, people closest to Ottawa will get their letters first).
  9. Yeah, probably next week. I'm a bit skeptical of anyone with "results," since the budget comes out today. That being said, has anyone else asked their department??
  10. I sent an e-mail to my department (Math at McGill). They haven't gotten any information from NSERC yet .
  11. My thoughts exactly. I'm nervous...
  12. Does anyone have a good idea of how much more competitive the PhD awards are vs. the Master's awards? From the information that I have seen, it seems that at the Master's level they rarely give out PGS M awards. Usually, people either win CGS M or nothing. But at the PhD level it is very different... It seems that PGS D is more popular than CGS D, perhaps because of the large difference in the size of the award. For someone who won CGS M as a Master's student, what are the chances that they will receive an award (either PGS or CGS) at the PhD level? Does anyone have any personal experience with this?
  13. I didn't write anything about "helping Canada" in my proposal. However my subject area is math, so I don't think that it would be appropriate to do so. I just wrote a few open problems in math that I plan to work on, possible approaches, etc. This is actually the first time that I've heard that applicants should write something about the benefit of their research to Canada. Do most people do this? To me, it seems a bit dishonest to crowbar some "Canadian content" into the proposal. I also think that it would be narrow minded if NSERC thought that all research in Canada should have a direct and measurable practical affect on Canada in the near future. What happened to knowledge for the sake of knowledge? Isn't that part of being in academia?
  14. So, if the budget comes out on Thursday, when do you think they will mail the letters? Does anyone remember from past years how long it takes for them to send letters after the budget? Hopefully they will mail them before the weekend, but realistically it might be Monday at best... Also, is there any chance that the departments will know before next weekend?
  15. March is almost here... Any guesses for when the letters will be sent? I'm guessing around March 25... which is quite optimistic considering last year we didn't hear anything till April .
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