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  1. hey, I'm not a Poland person, but my grant letter got lost in the mail and like you I found out I got the grant (in my case to South Africa) when I got an email sent to all accepted students. It's legit and you can take it as confirmation that you were accepted! But probably you should call the Fulbright office and ask to send a replacement letter because it contains important medical forms. That's what I did.
  2. Hey all, I don't know if there are any other people doing a full grant to South Africa lurking around this thread, but if there are, feel free to send me a PM to chat specific South Africa logistics!
  3. Full grant to South Africa! Spreadsheet name: Ryan B Country: South Africa method of notification: email (long story--they didn't mean to inform me by email but my letter never came and I got this email today saying "as you've already heard, you've been accepted. now here's some logistical info...") PSYCHED!
  4. congrats!
  5. I'm surprised to hear that someone else was notified by email, because I called and subsequently the Fulbright program advisor from my school called, and both times they told us that they absolutely cannot release decisions any way except by mail. They also said they will mail a replacement letter in the middle of next week and no sooner than that. So it looks like I've got another couple of weeks to wait, which is tremendously disappointing. But oh well, what can be done? Oh, and I live in North Carolina.
  6. Question for EVERYONE-- did anyone's notification letter take longer than 8 days to get to them? The Fulbright office has confirmed they sent my letter on April 13th, and it has still not arrived. I'm pretty sure it's been lost, but I wanted to just make sure no one else had a similar experience (that then ended with their letter actually being delivered).
  7. Anyone else still waiting on Sub-Saharan Africa? The IIE Office confirmed that my letter went out last Wednesday and I live on the east coast, but still nothing! Crazy.
  8. haha, yeah! my mind is going overtime trying to figure this out, and what i've come up with is that some combination of the following is happening: a) accepted/alternates have been informed and rejected people haven't it's just coincidence that everyone on the spreadsheet has been accepted/made an alternate c) my university mail system is really slow it could be any one (or combo) of these things, so in conclusion i have no idea. so helpful, i know
  9. that's tough! it seems like a lot of the South Africa folks on this board are alternates, weirdly. i'm keeping my fingers crossed you all make it! I still haven't heard. I'm starting to suspect/fear they sent the rejections in a different batch than the acceptances/alternates, since almost everyone on the spreadsheet has heard back already and no one was rejected. UGH
  10. nothing re: South Africa today. Psyched for everyone who has heard so far!
  11. NICE!! Congrats
  12. me neither, alas. but congrats to the first subsaharan africa person on the spreadsheet who heard--a full grant to ethiopia. Very exciting!
  13. Nothing in Durham, NC either. Alas!
  14. Have any of the sub-saharan Africa folks got any news yet? I haven't checked my mail yet today, but I'm curious if the notifications have made it to anyone yet!
  15. I was wondering the same thing. I hope it's not that they sent out the acceptances one day, rejections another. seems like some countries have gone that way...
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