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Everything posted by Lizziey

  1. Congratulations! I received my respose yesterday too- unfortunately it was the other kind of envelope. It was an unhappy surprise, but at least I can get on with my life. Enjoy the geothermal baths and 24 hours of darkness for me!
  2. Eeek! my heart rate just elevated a few notches. Thanks for the info!
  3. If only! I think it's just the messed-up spreadsheet.
  4. Just got a response from Rachel- she says they "hope" to have the Iceland letters out next week, whatever that means. Guess we can give the mailbox a rest for a few days!
  5. Neat! I received a negative from ASF, unfortunately. I don't know if I can take another rejection! You might be right about the "2 weeks response", but I will happily continue to pester for information. I'll keep you posted.
  6. Hey fellow Iceland people- it's been just about two weeks. Has anyone heard anything else from Rachel? If not, I'll volunteer to email her tomorrow. Also, I noticed, interestingly, that we're all applying through creative + performing arts. Is your affiliation with the Iceland Academy of the Arts, or a local artist/performer/writer? I'll (hopefully! knock on wood!) be working on an architecture project under the guidance of Studio Granda (a Reykjavik architecture firm).
  7. I'm not sure I can handle 2 more weeks!
  8. Another Iceland applicant here. I applied to the ASF grant also and haven't received my letter yet, so am on pins and needles for both! Has anyone received a successful ASF Grant yet?
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