Hey, I am going to BU too! I want to contact them about assistantships and I also wanted to ask them if all of my pre-reqs are done, because I do have a BA in comm disorders but their are 2 or 3 pre reqs of theirs that I'm not sure if mine would transfer as or if they would make me go back and retake those classes because the titles of courses are slightly different. Such as Intro to speech,language, and hearing sciences would my Intro to comm disorders transfer as that....I think I will have to call them to be sure.
Are you going this weekend to the open house? I'm going Saturday and I might go Friday too. Maybe someone there could answer some of our questions?
I'm not sure what to do about housing either, all the apartments around Boston seem so expensive compared to CT lol. I don't know if I should go off campus or try to find roommates etc.