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    Speech Pathology

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. I definitely would like more info about it. What 3 schools offer them? I would love to get some done during the summer and online if possible.
  2. I spoke to her too! She was very nice but said I would have to take two courses but that they can be taken anywhere or even online. And some of the courses are offered in the summer before we start the program.
  3. Is anyone concerned about Pre-Reqs even though they have a bachelors degree in communication disorders?? I have a B. A. degree in comm disorders from UConn and applied to and was accepted at BU, Southern CT state University, URI, Nova. And ALL of these programs said if my pre-reqs do not transfer/are the same as their pre-reqs I have to go back and take the undergrad classes. CRAZY! I never thought I would have to worry about going back and taking undergrad classes when I have a BA degree in it! This is now a huge determining factor for me picking schools. BU- said I have to take 2 pre-reqs Southern CT state -said I have to take 8 pre-reqs ( thats a whole year of just doing undergrad almost) URI- 3 pre reqs needed Nova -1 pre req Does anyone else have this problem??????
  4. Hi. I noticed you were accepted to the University of Connecticut. I was wondering if you don't mind what your stats were GRE and GPA? I am on the waitlist there and it is my top choice Congrats on your Dean's fellowship!
  5. Thank you for the info! It is really helpful because I don't know anything about the area haha. I will definitely have to check around Brookline! Do you know what the name of the apartment building was?
  6. Hey, I am going to BU too! I want to contact them about assistantships and I also wanted to ask them if all of my pre-reqs are done, because I do have a BA in comm disorders but their are 2 or 3 pre reqs of theirs that I'm not sure if mine would transfer as or if they would make me go back and retake those classes because the titles of courses are slightly different. Such as Intro to speech,language, and hearing sciences would my Intro to comm disorders transfer as that....I think I will have to call them to be sure. Are you going this weekend to the open house? I'm going Saturday and I might go Friday too. Maybe someone there could answer some of our questions? I'm not sure what to do about housing either, all the apartments around Boston seem so expensive compared to CT lol. I don't know if I should go off campus or try to find roommates etc.
  7. I am worried about it too! I got accepted at BU which costs 57,000 a year including living expenses which will total 114,000 for 2 years and an instate school which will cost 15,000 total for 2 years( I would commute from home). I also have 80,000 in debt from undergrad so it is a vary hard choice. Bu has a much better program and reputation and I think that will be beneficial when I enter the field. But having so much debt does scare me. I'm trying to decide if it is worth it to spend an extra 100,000 just to go there.
  8. Hi everyone, I was waitlisted at my top choice. I was wondering is there anything you can do to improve your chances of being picked off the waitlist. Should I send more info about work/volunteer experience, a letter how it is my top choice. Or is there nothing I can do and JUST WAIT? lol
  9. Where are you taking your prereq's online? I have to take a few prereq's even though I have a B.A. in Comm disorders for BU. I would like to take mine online in the summer too, but I didn't know what place offers them online. Thanks.
  10. Thank you for the info! Are there any places you would recommend for an apartment/housing? I wouldn't mind living outside the city. If I decided to drive to BU from off campus housing would that be possible or is there too much traffic going into the city?
  11. I'll be going to BU also on April 2nd
  12. Hi, I was accepted at Boston University and an in state school. I am trying to decide what to do but I am leaning towards going to BU. Does anyone have any info on BU and/or the program? I haven't visited yet and only know about it from what I have read online. I did not receive a merit scholarship at BU so I am worried about how expensive it is but hoping I can still go
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