Good luck on the next wait! I just emailed my Fulbright Advisor and Cara today to ask about status of alternates and a possible list... never heard back from Cara, but my Advisor said to ask Cara and then enjoy the wait, wait, wait process. LOL. Germany's got a good economy. Here's hoping for more funding!
As far as I know, Germany ETA's are still hanging in the dark. No information what so ever. Hoping to get a letter this week. I did email Cara on Friday, regarding something else, but hoping she will give a hint as to when we will here. I can't believe it is so much later than last years notification. I was really hoping we would hear by March, but hopefully soon! Let me know if you hear anything!
Still no German ETA's with letters? I don't understand why we are running so much later than last year. . . . I am seriously going insane with the wait. I think I read this forum more than I read any of my German work that I should be doing for classes. . . wait, wait, wait. . . .
That stinks! That makes it sounds like Germany is WAY behind in their decision making... wish I knew what step they were on! This waiting is killer.....