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Everything posted by HOG1228

  1. Good luck on the next wait! I just emailed my Fulbright Advisor and Cara today to ask about status of alternates and a possible list... never heard back from Cara, but my Advisor said to ask Cara and then enjoy the wait, wait, wait process. LOL. Germany's got a good economy. Here's hoping for more funding!
  2. I woke up to the exact same email. Not a great way to start my day! Hope you had better luck with Germany!
  3. Germany ETA letter finally received... alternate. Here's hoping to change my status quickly! Good luck everyone else!
  4. OK, Germany ETA letter has not yet arrived in Oklahoma. Hoping for tomorrow! Let's go Midwest mailcarriers!
  5. As far as I know, Germany ETA's are still hanging in the dark. No information what so ever. Hoping to get a letter this week. I did email Cara on Friday, regarding something else, but hoping she will give a hint as to when we will here. I can't believe it is so much later than last years notification. I was really hoping we would hear by March, but hopefully soon! Let me know if you hear anything!
  6. Still no German ETA's with letters? I don't understand why we are running so much later than last year. . . . I am seriously going insane with the wait. I think I read this forum more than I read any of my German work that I should be doing for classes. . . wait, wait, wait. . . .
  7. That stinks! That makes it sounds like Germany is WAY behind in their decision making... wish I knew what step they were on! This waiting is killer.....
  8. Thanks! I wish patience was a virtue I possessed.
  9. Hello. Any German ETA or Austria ETA's heard of a notification date?
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