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Posts posted by MiniMogul

  1. I'm interested in pursuing a JD/MPP for doing policy work with respect to the Caribbean region. I'm born and raised in Canada, and lived in NYC for several years. I've done my BA herein Canada, and I'm leaning towards continuing my studies here, because it'll cost me about one tenth of the $200 000 it would cost me for the same degrees in the US. But after reading some of these posts, it seems like I would only have a successful international development career if I go to Harvard, Columbia, or other non-Ivy prestige schools like Johns Hopkins, etc.

    Am I right, or will degrees from outside the US (other than Oxbridge, LSE, etc.) also be competitive?

    Thanks for your responses in advance.

  2. Hi! You'll definitely find a lot of good information digging through the different topics in this section of the site (especially look back to posts made in the last half of 2010 when most people who are applying for this fall were talking more about how to choose the best programs for their particular interests).

    When I first started thinking about where I should apply, I found the Associate of Professional Schools of International Affairs(APSIA) site to be especially helpful. You can click on "Member Schools" and looks at profiles of their member and affiliate schools and also find links to each program's web page. This site will help narrow down your choices and I believe that you really couldn't go wrong with any of the schools you find on there, as long as you believe a particular school's program matches your interests. Hope this helps!

    Thanks so much for your response! This a GREAT website! And I trust it!! *breathing a sigh of relief* :-)

  3. Hi all,

    I'm applying to MPP programs for fall 2012. This is a recent decision, since up until a few days ago I was all about law school. I have come to realize that policy work is what truly interests me. So, I'm about to embark on the journey of trying to pick an MPP program, and other than U.S. News, I have no idea where to start and how to pick the right program for me. With law schools, it's pretty easy, everyone knows that Harvard, Yale, are the best. Have no clue what the good MPP programs are.

    Any and all help would be appreciated. A little about me, I'm coming from a fairly unknown university in Canada. 3.5 GPA. Fluent in French, ok Spanish. Mature student. Area of interest: Caribbean regional integration, trade and development in the Caribbean, Possibly considering a dual MPP/JD. Funding is very important.

    Thanks in advance for all your help.

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