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Everything posted by onthewindowsill

  1. No Fulbright for me (Germany ETA). Ah well, at least I know. Planning to move over there in August anyway as I have my TEFL and experience teaching abroad, but it would've been nice to have everything already set up! Maybe see some of y'all over there, good luck everyone!
  2. Well, someone on the spreadsheet from LA got their letter, so I think we're just not in the first round...or MA postal service REALLY blows. Some people got alternates too already though, so it's just weird. How do they make decisions without doing them all at once? Also, I think someone messed with the spreadsheet because I know some people heard Monday and such, but it's saying 4/5 is the only date people got letters. Not to mention I have no idea what order it's in at any given time, and it only lets me scroll by dragging, not hitting the down button, but maybe my computer is just a mess...? Anyway, let's hope we find out soon! I'm going to die from anxiety if we don't! Did she infer if there were several days this week they were going out, or could it be anytime?
  3. Damn, does that mean we could win/not win the Fulbright based solely on when we mailed our application to Germany? If so, that's a bit unsettling. I mailed mine a week before the postmark deadline. It would suck if it's as arbitrary as that!
  4. Can we apply for more than one ETA position?! I was under the impression we could only do one at a time...
  5. Guess none of my housemates or myself got any mail today! Guess that means tomorrow it is... Tomorrow is going to be the longest day of work of my life, don't get home until 10pm! Ahhhh!
  6. The mail STILL hasn't come! I think someone killed my mailman...
  7. Hey Elizabeth89! The mail still isn't here! Yesterday I got it around 5:30pm so we'll see. I'm in Western Mass so I don't know how much of a difference that makes. I'm a little closer to NYC, I think, so we'll see what happens! I'm about to go sit by my mailbox with a beer to accost the mailman...
  8. Germany ETA letter didn't come in the mail today. Hopefully tomorrow! Not sure what to do with myself for 24 hours!
  9. I live in Massachusetts, so there's definitely a chance it could get here today! Ahhhhhh.
  10. AHHHH! Just checked the mail, but it hasn't come yet! I always thought my mail came around 3pm! OF COURSE TODAY IT'S LATER! I. Am. Dying. I think I'm going to vom, you guys. Whew.
  11. Also, for those worried about cut spending, this seems relevant: http://www.fulbright.org/about-us/news/three-week-continuing-resolution-passed Looks like everyone's safe except those who applied to Ireland, though maybe this is somewhat to blame for the delay? I don't really understand the whole process enough to really say though...
  12. I sort of think it's a form letter though, because she didn't answer all of my points in my first e-mail or address me personally. Totally understandable, as I'm sure she gets the same question 1,000 times a day right about now, but means they could have completed any number of these steps already...hopefully not that behind? Regardless, I was expected something this week and am starting to feel more like it'll be next.
  13. I'm also a finalist ETA for Germany (new here, hi!) and haven't heard anything. Just e-mailed Cara today and she said: " Hello, IIE/Fulbright does not have a timeline we can provide, as we are currently in the waiting phase: 1) country decisions 2) Fulbright Scholarship Board (FSB) approval on all recommended applications and 3) ECA (State Department) approvals on budgets. IIE/Fulbright cannot send out any notification information until we have all three of these in our office, and I am not able to predict when exactly this will happen. At this time, we truly appreciate your patience. Thank you, Cara" Pooping myself. Let's hope we find out soon! Nicole
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