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  1. no longer relevant.
  2. Thanks to those of you who have spent time on helping out.
  3. No longer relevant.
  4. StrangeLight - I study early 20th Century Mexico and so a lot of the departments and I limited my search to departments with top Mexicanists that studied around my time and with my particular bent (intellectual/political history). Columbia and Chicago fit that bill exactly. I did my ugrad study at Columbia, and I liked working with the Mexicanists on staff there - I think it is a rising department as well - and I have a lot of ties in the city which make it a compelling opportunity. Columbia has a few strong caribbeanists in the comp-lit or Spanish Language Department that I have heard people bringing them in to be part of their dissertation group if not their official sponsor. Chicago has a very strong Latin American group, but no one really pops for Spanish Caribbean studies.
  5. Hi all, I was admitted to Chicago last week. I was told by the prof there that they are making 40% fewer offers this year than last. I was told via informal phone call, congratulations from multiple people in my area (Latin American History) as well as a formal e-mail by the department (chair of admissions and the department) letting me know the fellowship amount, etc. In all communiques they said this was early notice of my admission and that the official letter from the Dean of Students is to follow over the next week. I hope this gives people particulars as to how at least one person was admitted. I'm waiting on Columbia - anyone know how many they usually admit to fill their class? I saw some people mention Columbia is announcing, and further specifics there?
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