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  1. Well, Columbia is great, but really expensive. SVA also has some pretty good work coming out of there, but still kind of pricey... I think Hunter is highly under rated (US news) It is a great program, studios right in the middle of NY and for the price, it is really hard to beat. The biggest downside that I see is that the program is pretty big and can feel a bit impersonal. If I had it to do again, I wish I would have applied to Hunter. I do not know much about Parson's, but for painting/drawing... there are better places to go. Take a look at work coming out of the school and look at the faculty... I am sure you will find where you fit best, which is really the most important thing.
  2. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge as to what these assistantships entail? I have 2 semesters of GTA coming up and I am just trying to get a feel for what to expect. Any info that people have would be great.
  3. I accepted VCU's offer for this fall. I am really looking forward to it, they emailed me some of the websites for current/incoming students and I really like a lot of the work.
  4. They told me that I am getting 2 semesters of a GTA which includes a tuition waver + 4300 stipend for each semester. One will for such will in the 09-10 year, the other will be either year, they said they would not know until the beginning of the summer. Of the current work I have seen I like it ok, but I have seen a number of people that have come out of the program in the last 3-5 years that I REALLY like. I have about a week left to decide. PS, My fiance will being moving with me and having a job and such... this will help a ton with expenses.
  5. Well, I got VCU to give me 2 semesters paid, and $8600 stipend. I think I am going to take it. I am still thinking of taking a year and reapplying, but I am leaning toward going.
  6. Yeah, I just talked to them and they kind of said the same thing, that getting in-state is VERY difficult in Virgina.
  7. So... here it is. I got accepted to VCU for painting. They told me the standard offer is: 1 semester paid + $4300 Stipend The rest would be up to me. I would assume if I set up Virgina residence I would get in-state the second year. What do people think of this program and this deal? Just trying to get all the options I can get. Thanks for all the help.
  8. So... here it is. I got accepted to VCU for painting. They told me the standard offer is: 1 semester paid + $4300 Stipend The rest would be up to me. I would assume if I set up Virgina residence I would get in-state the second year. What do people think of this program and this deal? Just trying to get all the options I can get. Thanks for all the help.
  9. As for a better fit for you, I am not sure. But if it were me I would go with Hunter hands down. I have been kicking myself for not applying there this year. Hunter has great work coming out of there, wonderful connections and there rep is going up every year rather than going down like so many schools. Not to mention the price is hard to beat.
  10. Painting: VCU told me "over 200 applications" for yes, 6 spots. They did say it was the highest they have ever had. No one else mentioned a number.
  11. Well... SAIC painting rejection today via post. now just have to see if my wait list pans out.... So: First year applying, right out of undergrad painting: Yale: rejection Columbia: rejection Northwestern: rejection UCLA: rejection UIC: rejection SAIC: interview...rejection CMU: rejection VCU: interview... waitlist (should know in a few weeks Not feeling so hot, but trying not to take it too hard. My BFA piece is due in a week, so I should get back to that suppose.
  12. This all depends on so much... How much can you afford/how much do you want to spend? It the program worth it to you? Will you be able to work at all? You should always push for you. And unlike a job, they have accepted you, they cannot unaccept you now... push all you want. I guess it comes down to personal choice... it is a good deal...to you? Without knowing what school or program... the deal seems pretty ok, not amazing, and not a joke.... it is really up to you.
  13. Yeah, not sure how it works myself... have not gotten an aid package yet....hehe. I still have 2 shots left though!!! Oh, PS. I was told letters from SAIC painting went out on Tuesday...
  14. I think it was 1/3 of tuition from the school. I think fafsa covered the rest of tuition, but nothing for living expenses. he is rejecting it for a full ride + stipend at WUSTL.
  15. I have a friend that was still waiting for his after 2 and a half weeks on Monday, not sure if he has gotten it yet, but I also have a friend that has already got his so they could be having problems with them... about your citizenship... hope that gets straightened out.
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