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Everything posted by Tigerlily

  1. I'm off to Case Western Reserve's Experimental program and my boyfriend is going to Kent State for Clinical psych.
  2. nah, Buffalo.
  3. I called 3 weeks ago and they said "we sent letters this week" I called last week "Oh, email this person" Finally got a letter Friday. This was the social section but I recommend calling and if they say they sent letters make it clear that you haven't recieved it. If she asks you to email someone you can either do that and wait for the letter (which I did) or ask if she can just break protocol and get the bugger over with (which I wish I had done). I have no patience for schools that are giving the rejection vibe and just NOT telling you. On the brighter side of things there are schools that waitlist you without telling you as well...SUNY >_<
  4. Three offers and a waitlist for me. 2 offers and 4 waitlists for the bf. We both have offers in the city of Milwaukee so this looks like the front runner although I have Houston where he is waitlisted. This thing sucks when you're trying to match up. Buffalo and St. Louis are still on the table too. St. Louis U offered me admission but funding only goes 2 years and they said "we'll be happy to help you find outside funding". ...I'm sounding a little ranty so I'll pull back and take that to the livejournal. My email is on my profile if you want to chat more.
  5. Thanks, but, unfortunatly, I'm Social and Personality (and experimental) psychology. *shrug* *goes back to checking email and gradcafe too many times a day*
  6. Hey there! Hope the interviews are going well. We met at WashU. Thanks so much for telling me about this site!
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