So, Cara got back to me and said they still don't know. Hopefully TFA gives me an extension. Looks like Central Asia may take awhile...Here is her email:
I know how frustrating this part of the process is, believe me! Unfortunately, we are at the stage in the game where we need to ask for a magnitude of patience.
Upon receipt of the Country Selections, we wait on confirmation from the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB), which must approve all applications. At the same time, we must also receive final confirmation on budgets from the State Department, which in the end decides the ultimate number of grants we can offer for each country.
As you can see, it is a process involving several levels and due to this, we are unable to predict when exactly this will happen, but we do hope it will be soon. At that point, official notifications will be mailed out.
Thanks, and let me know if any other questions arise in the meantime,