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Everything posted by lucybrick

  1. I didn't read the whole thread, but, my mom is a graduate of HKS and has been really supportive of me picking a school where I am happiest, and forgetting about prestige. She thought that graduating from Harvard would help her secure any job and it wasn't the case, even though she was a great student. She really struggled. And even after she got the ball rolling and had a successful business, she said many didn't care where she went to school. In short, follow your gut and do what makes you happy! That's some advice I need to listen to as well. Good luck!
  2. You're right. I think I'm really pushing myself to love Berkeley because of the reputation, the opportunities there, and the area. I would love to live in the Bay Area. BUT I really like UCLA, a lot! Without thought. And it would be much, much less of a logistical nightmare. I still think though, I don't want to be in SoCal my whole life. If I commit to 6 more years down here will I be stuck forever, with even more ties to the area, ie a family, pets, a bigger job. IDK...
  3. So here is my situation. And I can really use all the input you can provide. I have been accepted to Berkeley MCB and UCLA ACCESS... and I am really 50-50 between both. On one hand, Berkeley is a super great program. Many students excel here and secure outside fellowships. The program offers a more basic science approach, but the students may end up being stronger scientists because of this... at least this has been an opinion I've heard from a few sources. Berkeley may also be the change I need to get out of the bubble that is Southern CA. I have always wanted to live elsewhere and I love the character of Berkeley and the rest of the Bay Area. The liberal culture is much more up my alley than down here in SoCal. There are a number of faculty in my program that I am interested in working with, and they have also expressed interest in working with me. HOWEVER, my significant other and I have been together for a really, really long time. And moving to Berkeley would mean he would have to leave his well-paying job that he just secured a few months ago. He was unemployed for over a year when this job landed on this lap, and he may not be able to find the same opportunities up North or transfer departments (he works for the UC system). He would need to stay down South to finish out at least a year at his job before he could even think about moving up here. I know there are lots of people in the same boat as me, so let me know your thoughts! UCLA is a very strong program too, not quite and strong as Berkeley, but great nonetheless. One advantage is that that program boasts labs from the basic and applied sciences, which I like because my interests lay heavily in disease-related biology. There are an overwhelming number of labs to choose from in every topic imaginable. UCLA also has many potentially interesting faculty that I would like to work with. When I attended the interview, I immediately fell in love with the program, it was one of those "gut-feeling" sort of things. At Berkeley, it took me a while to warm up to the area and the program. I was really intimidated by the caliber of the students. And while UCLA is still in SoCal, the big city offers so many different opportunities that I am bound to find activities that are in my interests. Most of my family lives in the area, which is good and bad. Living near UCLA would also mean that my significant other can keep his job and stay living together, which he would really appreciate. I only have 11 days to decide. And I'm freaking out, just like everybody else. So please someone ease my mind and tell me your opinion. THANK YOU!
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