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Everything posted by emelie

  1. does anyone know anything about the process of applying to begin your research on a different schedule than the country's academic calendar? I am affiliated with an NGO, not a University, and I want to start as soon as I can after orientation. I'm hoping this won't be a difficult application process, since I can give valid reasons for my desire to use different research dates.... Feedback or experience in this area would be appreciated.
  2. congrats to you too. Just in time, eh?
  3. Mobgof, good luck. If you get it, let's talk, since our projects are in similar areas.
  4. Hi Central Asia folks--it finally came. Accepted for a Full grant to Tajikistan, large manilla envelope arrived today, postmarked April 22.
  5. No, I haven't gotten anything. I'm on the west coast, in a metropolitan area, so I expect it any day. It seems like someone should have heard by now if it was really sent over a week ago...
  6. Cara Doble said Central Asia letters were mailed on 4/15.
  7. Yeah, I may have to say "yes" to moving forward with projects that would make leaving impossible. Argh.
  8. Copying an e-mail for those waiting on Central Asia: I completely understand the necessity to make arrangements. Unfortunately, I am still waiting on the green light from ECA (State Department) to send out the notification letters for Central Asia. They are finalizing budgets at the moment, which will determine all sorts of things, namely the final funding. I am hoping this will happen soon. Thanks for your patience, Cara Cara G. Doble Program Officer – Germany, South and Central Asia U.S. Student Fulbright Programs
  9. I applied to Tajikistan.
  10. Well at least it's nice to know others have similar concerns. If I hear back from her, I will share what she says. I have a feeling budget issues might be involved, since people had heard by this time last year. Also, she contacted me A week and a half ago asking me to resend a transcript which was lost. Although all she could say was that this was to "confirm eligibility," this would seem an unfair thing to ask someone to pay for if they were already rejected. So, logically, either they didn't look at apps until two weeks ago (unlikely I would think), or they had already made their selections and are not able to notify people of their status until they find out how many places the budget will allow. She did specifically mention, in response to my email back then, that decisions couldn't be made until they had budget approval as well as in-country and IIE decisions. Or bureaucracy is blind and I paid for a transcript in order to complete my rejection file. I would put my money on budget issues (pun intended.)
  11. Any other Central Asia finalists hear anything? I e-mailed Cara Doble to see if she knows yet when we'll hear. This is getting so late that it's really inconvenient. I have a teaching schedule in my department and a lot of logistical issues to work out if I get this. Anyone hear anything? Also, what are those of you with spouses/live-in partners doing about financing this? I can't rent my half of the bed (nor would I!), he can't cover the whole rent, and we also can't (and don't want to) move. I was thinking of using loans to cover the rent while I'm gone, but I increasingly feel like that might be a bad decision.
  12. I got an e-mail from Cara Dobles requesting me to re-send one of my transcripts. She also told me, in response to a question about scheduling for the Central Asia orientation, that she doesn't know when they will notify Central Asia applicants, so we may have a little longer to wait.
  13. Hi Mobgof, I saw on the spreadsheet that your community outreach program was going to be a theatre program for girls. If we are both accepted to Tajikistan, we should talk, since I am also involved in theatre & dance & Tajikistan, and grant-writing right now for some social change type of art projects. Hopefully we'll all hear soon. Best Wishes.
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