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Posts posted by grad-school-or-bust

  1. Hi all-

    I am trying to decide which Master of Social Work program to attend in the fall and am a nervous mess as a result of my indecisiveness.

    I have narrowed it down to three schools: UNC-Chapel Hill, Columbia, and NYU. I have visited all of the schools and found positives and negatives about all of them--

    -Columbia: technically the best ranked program I am considering and has good name recognition, but it is the most expensive of the three.

    -NYU: ranks significantly lower than Columbia and costs only a little less, but I really liked the school and its location when I visited.

    -UNC: ranks just a little below Columbia and is significantly cheaper than the other two (but still quite expensive as I am out-of-state.)

    My main concern is the cost of the programs. I am going to owe a large sum by the end of my MSW anyway and I can't decide if it's just worth it to spend the extra on Columbia or NYU. I also feel like I might prefer to live in a busier and more diverse place like New York, but I can't decide if it's worth the extra money.

    I have to decide by tomorrow so any and all advice is appreciated!! Thanks!

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