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Posts posted by salwa

  1. I'm interested in an international studies or international relations graduate program, but I don't have a background in the area. I graduated with a degree in finance a year ago and my interests have shifted a bit. I know I wont be accepted into the top programs because I don't have the background but I would appreciate it if I could get some realistic suggestions on masters programs. My interests are in global economics, specifically the economic development of the Middle East. After that I'd like to move on to earn a Phd. I don't know if this information will help my chances but I can speak Arabic and understand most dialects. I have lived in the Middle East and travel there as often as I can. I graduated with a 3.7 GPA and a member of Alpha Chi and Beta Gamma Sigma. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I think it would only make sense for me to want to focus my research mostly on Mideast economics and finance since I have a background in finance. Are there any schools that cater to this type of interest and if so could you recommend them to me. Thanks.

  3. Well, I appreciate the replies! Maybe I should have mentioned that I speak Arabic and understand most dialects. Although my reading and writing are a bit weaker than by ability to speak. I've lived in the Middle East and travel there as often as I can. Does that help? Also, whats the job market like for this profession? Will it be easy for me to find a job after I graduate? And whats the income like? Its hard to find information so anything you know helps. Thanks.

  4. I am currently looking into getting my masters in middle east studies for the fall of 2012 and just had a few questions. I don't have a background in middle east studies, I graduated with a bachelors degree in finance. I've decided that I would rather pursue middle east studies and eventually earn a PhD and teach. I was wondering how favorable a candidate I would be without a formal background and the likelihood of being accepted. Also, should I take some classes in the field in the mean time or would that be a waste of time and money? Any information would be much appreciated.

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