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Special K

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. I am Kaohsiung too! I just opened up my package literally thirty seconds ago. We should meet up. Here is my email ajkarst@gmail.com. -Special K
  2. What do we have to do specifically for our medical clearance to Taiwan? I went today to get all my shots and stuff but I am paranoid that I forgot something. Any ideas Taiwan ETAs?
  3. Little Bird, So excited for you! Can't wait to meet you soon! -Special K
  4. Hey Marlo,

    I do go to ASU but I am a grad student. I am in Teach for America in PHX. China hasn't heard yet? Keep me posted bro.

  5. for some reason this interface isn't letting me PM you. I'm also in Phx and applied to go to China. Are you at ASU? PM me or email me if it gives you the option to...

  6. Taiwan ETA!!!!! ACCEPTED Current Address (Phoenix, AZ) Postmark date: 4/21 Arrived: 4/25 Large Manila Envelope Grad So excited to see everyone soon!
  7. I wouldn't worry about it too much. USPS still runs normal operating hours. Exciting that we should be hearing soon! I have a buddy who lives in Phoenix here and his notification for South Africa was sent out on Thursday and arrived Monday. Fingers crossed. Good luck Taiwaners!
  8. Akeley told me that Taiwan's "best case scenario would be that the letters would be sent out late next week." I received this email last week so Taiwan should be sent out late this week or early next week. -Special K
  9. So anxious!
  10. That freakin stinks...I was convinced that they were coming this week. Last year they found out 04/16 so I guess we are going to be later this year. womp womp
  11. So I was thinking...dangerous I know. I think that the IIE should hire these passionate driven individuals to make the Fulbright acceptance process more fluid and transparent. But then I started to think, maybe they do this on purpose. No one will complain about the amount of time notification takes because the award is so prestigious. Regardless, I think that the Fulbright Commission should look into hiring some of us to facilitate transparency. Thoughts? Of course it is contingent on the fact our government is still working and paying employees. I vote Crimsonengineer87 as the first hire!
  12. I have 0 Mandarin background. I speak moderate German but I have been out of school for two years. I am finishing up my two year commitment with Teach For America here in Phoenix (If anybody has any questions about that on the forum please let me know. I saw some people struggling with decisions on whether they should do one or the other). I did apply for the CLEP program in Taiwan. I wonder how many ETAs they will take. It seems like it is geared more towards Full Fulbright participants. What about other Taiwan applicants? What are your language backgrounds? -Special K
  13. Little Bird, Keep your fingers crossed that we will find out this week! Where are you located? I am in Phoenix so I am afraid it is going to take a long time to get here... -Special K
  14. Did anybody ever get in contact with Jonathan?
  15. Hey guys, I applied for the ETA position in Taiwan. I am thinking the same thing right now. I have contacted Jonathan Akeley by phone and by email and he has not returned either one of them. I am extraordinarily anxious.
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