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Everything posted by ana1031

  1. Mexico City! for research! Do you know if we have to go to the orientation in DC? From what I understood on the orientation schedule, only ETA had to go...so I'm guessing we don't?
  2. Accepted for Public Health Research in mexcio, how do we update the spreadsheet?
  3. I spoke with an IIE person on the phone earlier today and she said they were mailed yesterday? No idea, hopefully soon!
  4. Mexico letters were mailed out yesterday!
  5. No, I haven't heard any time frame so the next week sounds promising. Though my adviser did said that I would definitely have notification by May at the latest, I'm hoping soon?
  6. so we will hear about mexico sometime next week? has anyone directly talked to IIE? i'm just confused because the comexus site says we were supposed to be notified back in march
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