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Mike Slackenerny

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About Mike Slackenerny

  • Birthday 08/28/1985

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  • Application Season
    Already Attending
  • Program
    University of Toronto - LMP PhD

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Espresso Shot (4/10)



  1. Hope the research theme B results get announced today. Good luck to you guys
  2. wow. that's a kick in the pants. you think one gets better with time.
  3. yeah I got my email 10 mins after they were up
  4. I was ranked 273/852. Didn't get one
  5. My results are up - going to go check now
  6. That sucks. I'm currently working on my OGS app which is due on the 25th of this month in my dept
  7. CIHR... please.... :'(
  8. This is stupid. Coffee anyone?
  9. The silence on this forum is pretty unnerving
  10. Mondays are sucky days for me. I'm going to have to step away from my computer for some time and may not be there to check the results immediately. I'll try and check in whenever I can, but I'll definitely catch up later in the afternoon/evening. May the relative force be with all of you.
  11. On the front page. as soon as you log in. you'll see it listed under "Current activities". After clicking on it, scroll down to "View Decision" - in the new page you can see 6 files - I highly recommend scrolling to the bottom of the page and viewing all files combined together (so you don't have to click on 6 individual files) - you'll have the front page with the stats, the decision letter, reviewer 1 scores, reviewer 1 comments, reviewer 2 scores and reviewer 2 comments. Seems a little odd to say all this, since you'll all find out soon enough
  12. prep the alcohol either way
  13. Yep you can only apply twice if you're a PhD student like me who had a MSc. from before. The first time was in 2012, and this is my second (and last) shot at it.
  14. I had been waiting for today since Oct 15th, when the CIHR applications were due. I would have given anything to see the results earlier. Oddly enough, exactly 6 months later, there's a part of me that doesn't really want to know the decision. It occurred to me just after 12am on the 15th - perhaps its the calm before the storm, but all of a sudden I'm not really dying to find out. Edit: I meant to say that I had been waiting since April 16, 2012 (When I got rejected the first time around last year... I couldn't wait to reapply and find out right away)
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