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Posts posted by ah233

  1. great to see this year people talking about going to universities like UNC, UT-Austin, Colorado, Michigan, UC-Davis, Rochester, Utah etc etc....... last year I only saw people talking MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Scripps etc etc ... and made me feel like only these schools were great.... and others were not so great ........ I am an international student and my knowledge about US grad schools was not so great before actually joining a school and hence I wondered before accepting the offer whether any school outside the Ivy Leagues and Scripps was actually that good .... :(

  2. well ... I had accepted the offer around march 15th .....the departmental grad. admissions officer replied promptly that she will be starting the admissions process .... well its been almost 35 days since, neither have I received my I-20 yet, nor been contacted by either of dept. admission officer or International admission office ..... and hence I am starting to panic now

    it takes around 2-3 months to get visa, so I must receive the I-20 no later than mid- May ...... is there a way I can expedite the process ?? or is it that the universities take fairly long to process and send the I-20 form ??

  3. well publications in undergrad definitely will strengthen your apps ...... but it also matters how good are the letters from research supervisors and how well you document your research experience in your SOP ..... and if you browse the chemistry forum you will find out that lot of applicants have got admitted in great schools even without publications .....

    I heard in graduate school applications, it is hard to define a safety

    and you will soon find out it is difficult to define anything in grad apps ....

  4. I accepted an offer exactly one month ago and the admissions officer told me he/she will get back to me in a week or so. I haven't heard from him/her ever since. What do I do now? I'm kind of freaking out because I don't know what to do next. I've talked to a few grad students about housing but I feel like nothing is really final until I get the I-20 form (I'm international, btw).

    well... I thought I was the only international guy who is in a severe state of panic regarding I-20 !! its been exactly one month since I accepted the offer, and dept. admission officer replied that he/she will start the admission process ..... but never heard back from univ. admission office or dept. admission officer ............

  5. Has anyone heard from Boston yet? I am on the verge of calling them tomorrow to see if they made any decisions. I don't see any results on the Results Survey page, and I am worried. I have one acceptance one rejection, and am waiting on Boston (deadline 1/1/12) and Michigan Appled Physics (deadline 1/15/12). This seems like a long time, as March is a little less than two weeks away.

    same here .... havent heard from Boston yet .... ( among the 5 universities I applied it was of the earliest deadline of Jan1) .....

  6. So one of my graduate programs misplaced my GRE scores, and the Adcoms have been reviewing my profile with my previous scores (which were abysmal). It wasn't until today that they got the most up to date version (which were substanually better than my previous effort, +100 points in the Q section), although the scores were sent directly, as requested, to the program on Dec 18, 2011. I guess I will be geting a rejection e-mail from that program. Why in the hell are these programs so poorly administered. It always seems as if someone is misplacing something that should be a couple of mouse clicks away; or, someone is always loosing documents that should be readily available in a database for the adcoms to review.

    which university it is ??

    same thing happened to me at Utah.... fortunately the graduate adm. assistant asked for my GRE score report via email ........

  7. I applied to Stanford, Harvard, Berkeley, and Caltech for Computational/Theoretical chemistry and I haven't heard from any of them. Should I assume all rejections?

    Same here .... i also haven't heard yet at any one ......I applied too in theory (nd I am international) nd havnt heard yet anything ....

  8. Accepted at Iowa State today for theoretical, and rejected from UW-Seattle =(

    I'm #1 on the waitlist for an interview at UNC-CH BBSP so someone cancel please =P

    Wht r ur stats ..nd research experience ?? I have also applied in theoretical ....

  9. Has anyone heard from Boston? Their deadline was Dec. 1st, and I completed their supplemental essay around Jan 17th.

    Me too applied to BU ...submitted the supplemental essay around 6th Jan ...... haven't heard yet ....

  10. god same here .... applied three ...... one of my recommender send the letter to one of the 3 universities quite sometime before the deadline.... after that there's no movement frm his side ....... send him a reminder email a week ago .....and no response ......

    from the rest two ... one of them's deadline is already passed .... nd the crappy thing is he was not on holiday ...nd was right there throughout the last week ..... (i am an international student and here we dont have extended x-mas or new year holiday ..... just have a holiday on 25th Dec and 1st Jan ... rest of the days are working days as usual) ....

  11. Boston Univ. asks for a supplemental essay after submitting the grad.school apps. Following is the prompt :

    " Graduate school is a major challenge that requires one to overcome setbacks along the

    way. Please describe a major, long-term endeavor you have undertaken in the past.

    The endeavor that you choose to describe does not need to be related to chemistry, nor

    even academics. Moreover, if you have already discussed a major endeavor in

    chemistry in your personal statement, please choose a different topic for this purpose.

    Address in your essay the following points:

    • What was your motivation for this undertaking?

    • What strategies did you devise to ensure you would make progress?

    • What setbacks did you encounter along the way? Did your initial plan

    change in response to these setbacks? How?

    • Did you ultimately complete what you set out to do? If so, how? If not, why? "

    So, I have got no idea what or how to write the essay !!!!! Any suggestion will be highly appreciated ??

    btw I am a Ph.D applicant in Chemistry ...........

  12. anybody applied to Univ. of Utah ?? if so plzz reply to this post !!!

    I have a question regarding application process n all ..............

    .........Got no response from Grad. Adms Officer for a week ...maybe he is on a holiday !!!!!!!

  13. You may ask the department. I asked, and they said that I should click on the box that tells that I am applying for fellowships as well.

    Thanks..... I did the same .....however I contacted the dept. ....they didnt respond ......

    Then I guess I dont need to send any bank statements or Financial Sponsorship Certification form with my application packet ....do I ??

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