For study abroad/internship opportunities, you can also use a site like to try to find internship opportunities. Another good idea, if you just want to set up an internship, may be to look at study abroad programs (like or and see who they partner with in country. Then contact those orgs directly to see if you can set something up. Going through a provider will always make it more expensive! Also, if you're an undergrad, network with kids who have studied abroad. More often than not (especially in the off-the-beaten path places that attract Boren candidates...) they may have started an internship or volunteer experience and can connect you to someone in country. It's all about those connections!
Just throwing this out there as well...I only studied abroad for a month as an undergrad (and regretted it fully) so I applied to a program through the French Ministry of Education to teach English. Well, it was easy to get (they don't do a great job advertising it) and once I got it, I was paid to teach for twelve hours a week! Talk about sweet. While it didn't do a WHOLE bunch to prepare me for grad school, it did increase my fluency in French and had I wanted to, I definitely could have taken classes/volunteered/interned. I was lazy...However, I do still put this experience on my resume and always impress interviewers with the fact that it was an independent endeavor...
Spain has a similar program that pays you (rather than you paying). Just google "Spain English teaching assistantship" or "France English teaching assistantship" and I'm sure you'll find links. Unfortunately, it may be too late for next year.
Oh and the cool thing about the French assistantship is that you can go to the hexagon, or any one of the or alarming, depending on how you look at it. Most of France's DOM-TOM's are beautiful islands...and probably great places to do research!!!
I know this is off topic but I hope it helps...