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    Novosibirsk State University

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. zaikarb3

    Boren 2011-2012

    Well as a Biochemistry major studying for a full year abroad would be a disaster to graduation because the credits I get won't be relative to my major, and you are not allowed to complete your professional chemistry courses at another university. And yeah I noticed that too that most scholarships for Russia were through specific programs .... however I don't regret choosing НГУ one bit. And at least I still get to go. Hopefully in the future I can stay longer in Russia. I'm thinking about grad school at Московский Институт Тонкой Химической Технологии (МИТХТ) because they have a masters program very specific to what I want to do, though I would prefer to go directly to a PhD program in molecular biology. I still have several years to decide. Но я желаю вам удачи в Москве и успехов во всем!!!!
  2. zaikarb3

    Boren 2011-2012

    I was denied the award. But at least I am still going on my program as planned. Now I just don't owe my life to the government. I think what's more important to add to the spread sheet is the program duration. My downfall was most likely that I'm a STEM major and applied for only a 3 month summer program. Because I would have thought that speaking at an Advanced level would have been a big plus. Does anybody know of other scholarships that are specific to studying abroad? I found that the Boren was the only award I was eligible for based on financial status, which ruled out the Gilman and the Fulbright. - Зайка
  3. zaikarb3

    Boren 2011-2012

    I'm a STEM major as well and am still waiting on the email. If I am rejected there might be a trend .... I did have a strong language perspective (and have been studying it for 10 years and am at a very advanced level) ... I think what makes our STEM proposals weak is that our future career is more related to science than to government. idk ... that might be how mine came across.
  4. zaikarb3

    Boren 2011-2012

    I am having issues with my visa and flights cooperating. Does anyone know if your visa has to be valid on the day you leave the US, or just when you have to pass boarder control in a foreign country?
  5. zaikarb3

    Boren 2011-2012

    What's on the news? -Zaya oh... ok
  6. zaikarb3

    Boren 2011-2012

    Yeah you're lucky to go to Moscow. I fly through Moscow and have to pass customs there to get to domestic terminals at Sheremetevo to fly to Tolmochovo and I messed my visa up. I planed to arrive in Novosibirsk on June 1 when my visa is valid for and didn't consider needing to pass into Moscow. Now I'm jumping through hoops to extend my visa for one day...
  7. zaikarb3

    Boren 2011-2012

    Yes, I'm a summer applicant. The costs are the same weather I stay at my university to get the credits or not. If I do receive the Boren Scholarship I will stay for the fall semester, otherwise the fall would be too expensive. And it definitely has been frustrating waiting to hear from Boren because I've had to register with Novosibirsk State University, pay them, book flights, get my visa, and all that kind of stuff already without knowing if I got the award because the deadlines were so much sooner and processes like getting the invitation for a visa take several months. A suggestion for Boren is to make the Summer apps due earlier and notify us earlier!
  8. zaikarb3

    Boren 2011-2012

    I wish we had a larger sample size (20 people is not very much especially with a mixture of scholarship and fellowship applicants). Won't Boren publish similar statistics after a while? I hope we hear from them tomorrow. Either way if I get the scholarship or not I leave for Siberia in 29 days!!!
  9. zaikarb3

    Boren 2011-2012

    I don't know if this was a downfall, but here I was not specific as to ONE job that I would like to pursue in the future. Here are excerpts from Part 1 of my statement that I thought communicated my situation: "The issues facing the United States on the world stage are increasingly complex and scientific in nature. ....." . . . "It is vitally important that those working to further the interests of the United States on the world stage be able to rely on and work with researchers and scientists who understand the issues at hand. It is equally essential that our scientists and diplomats are able to communicate with the officials and scientists of other nations with whom we must cooperate. I hope to fill that role, and that is why I hope to further my scientific studies in Russia. ....." . . . "There are several US agencies that deal with research and development cooperation with Russia, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of Energy, the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Defense. Effective professionals working in areas of research internationally posses an advanced degree in a scientific field as well as proficiency in a foreign language, therefore participation in such activities requires a doctorate degree. After completing my bachelor’s degree I plan on attending graduate school to prepare for a career in biochemistry in collaboration with scientists internationally. After my experience abroad and achieving an advanced degree in the natural sciences, I would like to pursue a career with one of these agencies working with Russia. ....." Then I listed several specific opportunities. I didn't state that I already had it figured out. So as I am understanding, all of you mentioned a specific job??? It just seemed like in the webinars EVERYBODY wanted to become a foreign service officer .... I just listed my goals and expect that my graduate studies will give me more specific qualification and from there a position with any of these agencies can be molded to ME. If I do not get the award, this could be an indicator.
  10. zaikarb3

    Boren 2011-2012

    Hey, I also applied for the Boren Scholarship to study in Russia. I'm going for 12 weeks in the summer to Novosibirsk, Siberia. How about you? How long is your program and where are you going to study?
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