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Everything posted by borkborkbork

  1. @Bearhunter, i can back that up. My older brother (mechanical eng phd) got a CGS NSERC but not an OGS. OGS' adjudication varies hugely by discipline. In some it's a straight-up grade-ranking mechanism. In others, you might get reviewed by people in hugely different fields. I'm in public administration, but my app could have been adjudicated by people in accounting, business management or industrial relations, none of whom necessarily know the first thing about public admin. There is an element of error - false positives and false negatives alike - in any grant-writing system. But it seems OGS is particularly bad. That said, I'm happy right now.
  2. ahhhh down for updating this is itttt
  3. Even for fall admissions, it makes a difference. If you have an offer from an Ontario school and from a school outside of Ontario, you may have to make a decision to reject the Ontario school because the decision deadline is before the revised OGS announcement date. (Or, you accept the Ontario school's offer, on the hopes you get the OGS...)
  4. can you provide any more details? are you sure that they didn't mean the mailed letter, which is always posted well after results are made available online?
  5. I'm happy to wait an extra week if it's the result of them choosing more grants rather than more staff.
  6. notifications for 3000 grants and 7000 declines are handled by ONE PERSON? that's... that's...
  7. Does anyone know how this process actually works? I don't entirely understand how they get these things in the late fall and yet still end up being a month late on their decisions... /naive
  8. nothin' in 206, public administration. still waiting.
  9. blind link to john fucking meyer, uggggh
  10. entirely depends on whether your institution lists you as a full-time student during your co-op terms. when you check your T2202A (tax form), does it show your co-op months as FT or PT? if it's marked FT, you can get OGS. PT, no. also, mpal - have you heard yet, or is this speculative?
  11. If 10k apply for 3k OGS grants, though, that doesn't mean that 7k get rejected. Presumably, at least a thousand successful applicants will decline to take tricouncil (CIHR/SSHRC/NSERC) grants, making them ineligible to receive the OGS. And others applying as they enter a new masters or doctoral program may choose to attend grad schools outside Ontario, making them ineligible to receive the OGS.
  12. hey were any of the last wave of updates (bio/biochem) done over the weekend? im trying to figure out whether it's even worth checking through the weekend for my competition (206, public admin) or whether i should just wait until monday
  13. Your soundtrack, folks:
  14. the OGS staff are hard at work making decisions:
  15. so since technically you can take up an OGS from may-april, the results will come out AFTER the scholarship start date, and the reversion-list decisions will happen 7 months into a 12-month award? /golf clap for the OGS bureaucrats
  16. social sciences 206 - management and adminstrative studies (ma, public policy + administration, public management concentration) still haven't heard
  17. it sounds like discipline code 400 is the only one with decisions so far. everyone else, when your decision comes through, can you remember to put your discipline code along with the date of your decision? helpful to those of us tracking our own discipline's results.
  18. oh man if thats the case, i'm boned
  19. my account now has a current-status date of yesterday (april 24) but no update. still just, Your 2011-2012 OGS application form and all required supporting documentation has been received. It will be forwarded to the Selection Board for consideration. Information on the results of the competition will be available in early May 2011. Please check back after this date.
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