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Everything posted by WhattoDo

  1. I've posted about NYU SCPS before and I know people don't have positive views on it but hear me out on this. I'm trying to dcide btwn NYU SCPS for MS in Global Affairsor UCL (University College of London) for MSc in Global Governance and Ethics. The Masters of Science in Global Affairs is really appealing to me because (unlike UCL or universities in England) its 2 years. That means I can do my masters in Global Affairs and concentrate in Human Rights. In UCL, I can't concentrate in anything as its only one year. MSGA has 2 years, 4 semesters, so I get to do around 14 different courses and cover different topics which I really want. UCL is one year, I cover only 4 courses and graduate. One of the required ones is quantitative and qualitative methods course which I hate, and I'll have to take it the whole year. MSGA has one-week study abroad electives, so I can go to Geneva and go to meetings and seminars in the UN there. Or go to Berlin and meet with human rights organizations. Or go to Ghana and look into the human righst abuses. Or Prague and into the politics in the media. Granted its only a one week-10day trip so I wont be studying abroad. But its still an experience I'm looking for which I can't get at UCL. MSGA gives easy access to internships such as with the UN. UCL doesn't. However, if I go to UCL I can do masters in one year, then continue for two years for an Mphil. I may have to do it somewhere else in England but one extra year means a much higher degree in England. The good thing about this is that at this point I'll be able to concentrate my studies on Politics AND Human Rights...But it still wont be the same, as I'll only be researching, not taking classes and meeting with people. And at this point,I dont care so much for titles. I'd rather just have experiences which Mphil doesnt gurantee (except if I go to SOAS which promotes fieldwork in Asian or African countries in the second year of Mphil, but is SOAS THAT good..?)   Also, I've gotten a scholarship by my country's government and I can choose either NYU or UCL. If I choose NYU I can get my two years done easily as I have a scholarship. If I choose UCL I get only one year done easily-then if I want a higher degree I'll have to look for funding again. However, UCL has a much better ranking than NYU, nevermind NYU SCPS. I know rankings dont mean much sometimes but UCL is almost always top 10, sometimes 4th best in the world. NYU is between 30-60. And with NYU SCPS it might be considered lower. Someone PLEASE help me!!
  2. London-Tokyo, could you pls check your PM's and reply to it...Im interested on your take on something.
  3. NYU's MSc in Global Affairs has been rated as one of the top ten IR programs by the Foreign Policy Association. Does that mean anything at all? (I know you just said they're basically a joke but then again you told me to check a magazine that does ratings so maybe they're not so much a joke?) http://www.fpa.org/info-url4715/info-url_list_more.htm?attrib_id=12902&doc_category_id=1127
  4. When I checked world university rankings (and I checked many since none of them seemed completely believeable), GWU always came much lower than NYU did. NYU was always between 30-60, sometimes being a 41 when Brown was a 39, and a 60 when Harvard was a 37. GWU was always lower than NYU in each ones, sometimes a bit and sometimes much lower (in the 100's). Of course I know those things aren't really trustworthy but it feels better going to the school thats always ranked better than the other. However, the Elliot program is much more established than NYU SCPS. I don't know how good it is, didnt apply there and didnt research, but...Its been there...NYU SCPS is really new. I didn't apply to SIPA because I didnt like their core courses. I didnt apply anyhwere except NYU because I didnt want to be anywhere except NYC. Im starting to doubt this decision but in a wa I feel the opportunities in NYC generally cannot be compared with anywhere else. D C might have more opportunities when it comes to politics though. I wish I knew someone who actually went to this NYU school. Theres just not enough info about it online.
  5. I know there aren't a lot of people who know much about this program (MSc in Global Affairs) at NYU, since its relatively new....But I don't want to waste time, money, hope etc studying something that's simply not worth it. I keep hearing that NYU SCPS is just a money machine that accepts anyone...Is that really true? Please let me know anything you know about this program! NYU is the only place I've applied to in the US. I got accepted in th Gallatin school and NYU SCPS< but I think if I do choose NYU I'll go with the SCPS because I like the courses, events etc. What I found on the website anyway. I'm also having second thoughts about studying politics in the US, which is why I've applied to London. I've been rejected by King's College (UoL), first prgram choice in SOAS (waiting results of second program), and still haven't heard from LSE, UCL and Queen Mary (not holding my breath either). I've only been accepted in City University of London which sucks. Although Queen Mary University isn't very well known, I'm thinking of choosing it over NYU if I do get accepted. Location is very important to me, and I feel in this case I need to be around people, find groups, network...etc with people who have similar ideas as I do, similar political views, working for the same goals etc. And, no offense to any Americans, but I'm not exactly fond of American foreign policy and I although I'm sure there are a variety of opinions in the US, I believe I'll be more comfortable in a place like Europe. I just need to know more about NYU SCPS before I can decide that though... Is it good? Does it suck? Is the education there better than the one in Queen Mary, for example? (Ranking wise NYU is top 27-60, varying by list. Queen Mary is late 100's, around 180's I believe). But rankings are hardly accurate. Then again a name is important. But I really care about getting experience and LEARNING. SOMEONE HELP :"(
  6. I also got accepted in NYU SCPS (MS in Global Affairs). I'm still waiting on other schools to decide where I'm going. If I go anywhere else it might be in London, since I didnt apply anywhere except NYU in the US. I've also gotten accepted in NYU Gallatin and I heard they have a better name, which is why I'm thinking of studying in Gallatin instead of SCPS...Im so confused, sorry Im not much help.
  7. Hello everyone! I've been accepted in NYU's SCPS for MS in Global Affairs. I was really excited because I love their program. I've checked every small detail of it online and love the courses, the events, the LOCATION..etc. I love the fact that no statistical/mathematical courses are required, as opposed to SIPA or some of the other big schools, which I didn't even apply to. The only thing I didn't like is seeing that there aren't many reviews on it, and that when there were, it was about how SCPS accepts anyone and how its not a good school. Later on I got accepted by NYU Gallatin, which made me feel a bit better because I heard that Gallatin is a good school (is it?). Now I'm a bit confused, as at first I preferred the idea of MS in Global Affairs under SCPS, that way I'd be involved in the Centre for Graduate Affairs, in the events, in the general life of someone who truly wants to study Global Affairs. But, if Gallatin is ranked higher, and I'd be able to specify my studies even further, then why not go to Gallatin? I could pick and choose the exact courses I want, and leave the not so fun courses I'd be required to take in the SCPS school. But maybe those courses that I dont want to take (such as International Political Economy, or other core courses that I probably would choose to substitute with other more appealing ones to me, such as human rights courses) might be benefitial and mandatory for someone who wants to practice in this area. In a way, SCPS has all what I want, required core courses that a practicioner in that field needs to have some knowledge of, concentration in human rights (or international relations) that have courses which really appeal to me, study abroad opportunities etc. But in Gallatin, I can specify things even more, I can take courses from the MA in Near Eastern studies and study about the human rights issues specifically in the Mid East, for example. So, I just dont know...I know what courses I'd like to take, I just don't know if its a good idea to take them only. Maybe for someone who wants to work in the International Relations field, it would be better to actually be under that program itself. I really dont know, what do you think? Also, I keep hearing people complain about NYU. In the US, I'm only looking at NYC and after Columbia (who I loved the idea of, but didn't apply to because I didnt like the quantitative courses), NYU seems to be second best in the area. I'm applying in London, and so far not accepted in any of the good schools. Which makes me wonder if NYU is that good...Getting my bachelors degree wasn't fun for me. I took stupid courses with the most careless, stupid people. I just dont want to go through that again, I really want to go to a good school. Would I get a good academic experience at NYU? So, basically its 2 questions...What do you think of NYU? And if you think its good, what would you think is better in my case (SCPS or Gallatin)? Comments greatly appreciated!!!
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