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Everything posted by bearhunter

  1. There is an old adage derived from the theory of wealth condensation that money begets more money. However, throw this out the window in the world of academia. Awards such as SSHRC and OGS may help you're chances but they by no means guarantee you additional funding in later years. OGS and SSHRC are fucken popularity contests, it all depends on if the committees have a hard-on for your study. If your proposal does not fall under the category of flavour of the month then any previous grants will not help your chances. As I have said to many people in the past, don't let OGS or SSHRC grants go to your head, they are not indicative of your overall abilities or of your potential to secure prospective grants. I received SSHRC two years again and have been since twice rejected for OGS and SSHRC respectively. So don't rest on your laurels, work on your proposals and get publications out there, those are your best chances of getting funding. OGS don't mean shit!
  2. As if economics even gets funding
  3. Hahaha sucka
  4. Doesn't really matter, you only have a 30% chance of winning this joke-show of a contest. They might as well have a bikini contest next year instead of us submit proposals and CV's.
  5. OGS is a joke, congrats to all those whose names were pulled out of the hat. There is clearly no way for them to accurately and efficiently determine that 3,000 researchers proposal are better or worse than the other 7,000. Unfortunately, academia is not a meritocracy and once again this year's powerball numbers determined which scholars walk away happy and the majority that don't despite the fact that their research may be innovative or cutting edge. Jokes
  6. Yeah I have no change either,
  7. https://osap.gov.on.ca/OSAPSecurityWeb/public/login.xhtml?lang=en Website maintenance due to updating, yeeeeee boy!
  8. I can get to the OSAP website but when I try to get into the login section it does not bring up the next page. This is either because of volume or perhaps because they are doing some updations as we speak
  9. I think calling is also a bad idea. Besides, it is probable you would spend the majority of the call on hold only to get a very vague response. So in the end you will probably only waste your own time and exacerbate your own frustration.
  10. This just in...OGS is sending acceptance letters by carrier pigeon and negative responses via poisonous spiders
  11. Just heard from a friend that works in the Ministry that apparently the earliest they will be sending mass notifications is May 25 :s
  12. Has anybody received a notification, successful or not, that is from a humanities program? If you want to get more specific, has anyone from McMaster heard anything yet?
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