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  1. Hi Everyone, My funding information (PhD ComCult, York; fall, 2012) just came to me in the form of snail-mail. This about 1.5 weeks after I was informed that I was admitted. Funding is surprising. I've been offered a six-year package, five of those years at just over 20k, with the sixth year at 15k. Anecdotal evidence suggests that 20k per year is average for Canadian PhDs; however, I'm having trouble finding statistics on average funding rates for Canadian PhDs. It would be nice to compare to see how wide my York package deviates from the average PhD funding in Canada. Funding for more than four years is the (pleasantly) surprising part. Hope this gives everyone an idea of what to expect. Best, Craig
  2. Hi Everyone, PhD ComCult (Fall, 2012) has started rolling out their offers. I received this message from the department tonight (March 12, 2012) at 6:00pm: Dear Craig, I am pleased to inform you that our admissions committee has recommended you for admission into the PhD program at York in Communication and Culture. We had a very competitive applicant pool, so congratulations on your success here. An official offer will follow in a few days followed by a financial support offer a week or so after that, but I wanted to notify you right away about our decision. Congratulations on behalf of the program and especially our admissions committee. Best of luck colleagues. I hope that participants on this thread are also admitted for the fall term! Best, Craig
  3. Just handed in my complete MA thesis rough draft for review. So, I have remember how to play the waiting game without succumbing to neurosis. Best of luck, everyone! An exciting yet stressful time; hang in there! Craig
  4. Hey Everyone, It's nice to see such an active thread regarding York's ComCult program. It was unfortunate that I couldn't go to the recent Open House events due to my responsibilities here at UWO Media Studies, but I am glad to be talking to what could be future colleagues; so it's nice to meet all of you, electronically anyway. I'll be sure to share information as I get it. In the meantime, maybe we could talk more about how to make our second-class interdisciplinary degrees more marketable *insert sarcasm here* (cf. sugarcoatedsour, on 06 March 2012 - 03:50 PM in this thread); I recommend changing the degree name to PhD in Excellence, Innovation, and Economic Sustainability. Best, Craig
  5. Hey Tiffany, I've applied to the PhD in ComCult this term; nothing as of yet (March 3rd, 2012). According to the GradCafe survey, York has started rolling out offers as of February 29th, none of which have been from ComCult. Best of luck, Craig
  6. Hey Everyone, Congrats to all those who have received a 2011-12 OGS. Unfortunately, I was not among them. My question, though, is about the reversion list. Will the results posted in our online OSAP OGS accounts explicitly say "placed on a reversion list" or will it say "unsuccessful applicant" with the implication that we are? There isn't too much info online about this so I was hoping that you guys and gals can help out. I am hoping that, although unsuccessful, I still may be placed on a reversion list. If not, looks like it's another term or two of TAing. Thanks, and all the best!
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