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Posts posted by uvastudent

  1. To the person interested in UVA's MA/Ph.D. program in Buddhism, PM me because I think I could help you with your question.

    To the rest of you waiting on UVA, I should let you know that at least one student who was admitted into UVA's Ph.D. program was visiting grounds, meeting with professors, and sitting in on classes. S/he was in Religious Ethics, and there's also another student in Religious Ethics who deferred from last year, who was visiting grounds before moving here. I don't know much about either of them--all I know I gleaned from running into them around grounds.

    Again, don't go slitting your wrists because I have a feeling they're slow-rolling to make sure they can offer their limited funding packages as many times as possible to different students (after some reject them).

  2. Sorry I'm so late in replying, but this website wasn't working for me for several days.

    The other (besides UVA) schools I was considering were Brown, HDS (as backup), Princeton (Religion, not TS), Indiana, and UChicago.

    I'm not positive why they're taking so long this year. Last time I spoke with the DoGS, he seemed very busy and stressed out, and said that they were harassing their prospective admits a lot, trying to get them to pick UVA definitively. Chances are that they've sent their first line of acceptance letters out and are slow-rolling some of the waitlists and rejections until they know who's accepting. They won't have much money next year (this is a rumor, not definitive) to offer incoming Ph.D. students, so I imagine they expect a lot of their first picks to accept at institutions who can fund them better, and they don't want to reject too many people until they hear back from them (in case they need to expand the waitlist).

    THIS IS ALL CONJECTURE, THOUGH, so don't go slitting your wrists or anything.

  3. Hi all,

    I'm currently a Ph.D. student in Theology, Ethics, and Culture at UVA. If you have any particular questions, I'll do my best to answer them. Unless you think other people will be interested, perhaps PM me?

    In general, I've found that UVA's TEC isn't as suited to dealing with students who aren't very interested in Christian theology.

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