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Everything posted by flmad

  1. Wouldn't the score report show the scores from my first test date as well as my second test date? You can't only send the scores from one testing session if you take it multiple times, right? I also read that the national mean for AW is 3.8. Somehow 3.5 is only 26th percentile!
  2. I'm wondering if anyone has every tried to retake only one section of the GRE by exiting out of the other 2 sections. I did well on verbal and math (720v, 700q) but I got a 3.5 on writing. It says on the GRE website that if you just exit out of a section without answering any questions it will show up on your score report as "no score". I don't want to retake the v and q, but I want to raise my AW score because I'm applying to pretty competitive programs (for French lit) and I'd hate for that to be a deal-breaker. Does anyone know anything about getting a "no score"? Thanks.
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