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Posts posted by tara1936

  1. Hi, my application just switched to initial review last week too. I'm hoping that they are looking at the applications in bunches and that we'll hear back with a definite soon, but I have a deep sinking feeling that this is just a delayed rejection. Not sure if this helps, but thought I'd let you know that there is another person out there with the initial review thing who is going crazyyyy. 

  2. Ya, I got nothing all day from them :(

    I wish they would just send the rejection so I can move on. It sucks how, even when you've "counted a school out," you cannot let go of that last glimmer of hope that remains when you have yet to receive the official rejection.

    That's exactly how I feel. I just wish I knew something. I applied under 20th Century Brit Lit/Modernism and my last name is P so maybe they are going alphabetical by specialty. Lame.

  3. Hey, So all you English people out there, quick question if I may. If you applied to University of Virginia, have you heard anything yet? It's just been silence to me, which makes me think rejection. On the results survey it says that two people got rejections on the website, but I can't figure out where on the website they found status updates. It's confusing and infuriating and I'd appreciate the help. Thanks muchly!

  4. Hey there,

    So I got my first rejection today, and although it was totally expected I realized I really need to cement some sort of plan b. Saying that I also realized I have no idea of what sort of careers to look into. I took that ridiculous career test my school career center offers and received suggestions of the clergy, business manager, and brand manager. They sound awful, just awful. Does anyone have any career suggestions for an English major? I interned briefly at a nonprofit and loved it. I'm a strong writer, love research, hate math, and wouldn't mind a job that didn't involve too much human interaction. All that sounds a bit like a personal ad, but I would really appreciate some advice from people who are/or who have been in the same boat.

  5. Regal's theory is probably right, but how frustrating. Ugh. I also haven't heard from any schools I've applied to any staring at the results survey is only serving to bum me out. Stanford appears to have sent out interview information. Silence. I would just love to know something, anything at all. Bah, applications.

  6. I know this will sound like such a silly question, but how do you tell if your application went in for review? Everyone seems to know and I'm just sitting by the computer alternately twiddling my thumbs, checking my emails, and biting my nails. The schools I applied to, all competitive schools, probably too competitive, haven't sent me any updates or anything. I've heard nothing from any of them. Should I just assume that I've been rejected? ughhh.

  7. Okay, so I'm sure there are quite a few posts on this website like this, but here is a new one anyway.

    I want to get a PhD in British literature and I want to specialize in Interwar Britain and maybe something about the changing social norms. I think I'm a new historical critic or maybe a post colonial.

    The problem isn't so much me knowing what I want to study as it is where to study it. I'm not sure how to go about looking for a university that has strong programs in world war I, interwar, and or, world war II British literature. Does anyone know any that are particularly impressive or know any streamlined ways to search for one? A way that doesn't involve Google.

    Please help. I want to go to graduate school, but searching for a program is becoming a big stressor.

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