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  • Interests
    Political Economy, Development, Social Movements
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penpen's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Alright, who's claiming the two Michigan acceptances?
  2. If your main interests are political economy and social movements within a Marxist framework, I'd look into the following programs in this order: 1. NYU: From speaking to folks in the program, it looks like the best program for Marxists.There are faculty members like Vivek Chibber as well as a number of grad students who do related work. The downside is it's a really hard program to get into. 2. Wisconsin: This should be fairly obvious because Erik Olin Wright is there. However, I hear NYU would probably still be better in terms of training. Again, really hard to get into. 3. UC-Berkeley 4. Johns Hopkins I have similar interests but I'm also interested in development. I wasn't able to get into NYU, Wisconsin or Johns Hopkins (didn't apply to Berkeley).
  3. I wouldn't worry too much about your background. I got a minor in sociology while my bachelors degree was in engineering. I still got into a couple of top 20 grad programs in sociology. Like the others have mentioned, LORs are important as well as a strong personal statement.
  4. Does anyone know if deferring enrollment by one year is possible in any schools? I am an international student and would just feel more comfortable saving up some money from my job right now and then going back to school (I also need to show funds for a year's worth of fees for immigration/visa purposes). Any thoughts?
  5. Anyone heard from Johns Hopkins yet?
  6. Another acceptance, does anyone want to claim it? Any other details?
  7. No, I don't see any other acceptances posted either. Don't know what's going on
  8. I am an international applicant . The prospects for me look bleak since I'm assuming it's been over an hour since the phone call.
  9. I know a bunch of Canadian programs offer funded terminal masters degrees. If you are open to getting your masters outside the US and then applying to American PhD programs later, then you should look into this.
  10. Congrats! I'm waiting to hear back from Johns Hopkins too. However, it doesn't seem like many people from here applied there. From looking at previous years, I believe we will start to hear back from them in a couple of weeks
  11. I'm in at U Arizona. I was notified by email on Monday and the letter should be coming soon. I was also rejected by Wisconsin and UCSB in the past couple of days.
  12. Just saw the reject letter uploaded to the status page. Got an email directing me to it.
  13. I am waiting to hear from NYU, Johns Hopkins, UCSB, UCI and Arizona before I even start thinking about where I want to go. I also applied to Wisconsin but I haven't heard anything yet so I assume that it's not good news. My broad areas of interest are political economy, development, state theory and social movements.
  14. Congrats! What other places are you waiting on and what are your interests? Thanks!
  15. I was right. Just got accepted. Email from DGS; offer includes tuition, health, stipend. It's my first acceptance and I'm very excited!
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