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Everything posted by mangopenguin

  1. Do you know the rankings for the individual subfields?
  2. We just got the e-mail! 22 total with 7 IR, 5 Comp, 1 Theorist, and 10 Americanists. Awesome! Also, I wanted to add that I just went to Columbus to look for an apartment. Some important things to keep in mind: Make sure it has off-street parking. Air conditioning! Ask about pas gas bills. Check out neighborhoods before you go!!! I found a great place for 750/month (I'm moving with someone) and if you are planning on a summer move, start looking soon!
  3. Hello! I just thought I would start a topic for those planning on attending Ohio State next year. Visit weekend was pretty big and intense so it would be a good idea to see who has nailed down their plans and committed the next 5 years of their lives to the Buckeye State!
  4. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad Institution: LAC Major(s)/Minor(s): BA in Mathematical Economics, Minor in Political Science and Math Undergrad GPA: 3.8 Type of Grad: N/A Grad GPA: N/A GRE: 700V, 740Q, 5.5 Any Special Courses: Statistics I/II, Econometrics, Mathematical Economics Letters of Recommendation: 2 full econ. profs, 1 poli. sci prof. Research Experience: Bush foundation young research scholar Teaching Experience: Tutor/TA for econ. dept. Subfield/Research Interests: American/Political Behavior- Immigration RESULTS: Acceptances($$ or no $$): Fellowship from OSU, full funding from UIUC-- also accepted to Iowa, Nebraska, U of AZ. Waitlists: U Michigan, MSU, MN Rejections: none Pending: none Going to: OSU What would you have done differently? I spent almost no time on my applications-- probably could have developed them a bit better. I don't think I could have improved my LORs; however, I do wish that I would have played the math card a bit more.
  5. I definitely feel that I have emotionally committed to one school (UIUC) even though another looks better on paper. However, I'm not making ANY official decisions until early April. I've already turned down the schools I'm sure that I'm not going to go to though.
  6. Was confused-- Actually waitlisted entirely and not just for funding. This was totally my mistake. Sorry to be misleading!
  7. I just visited UIUC and they have some GREAT behaviorists there including Jeff Mondak, Jim Kuklinski and Tom Rudolph. Also UIUC's psych dept. is ranked in something like the top 10 and they do lots of interdisciplinary work between the two departments! They leave a lot of it up to student preference. I am also interested in this so it was important to me also.
  8. My visit was great. I got to talk to 6 profs. from my department and ask them all the questions I wanted. I also ate all my meals with current graduate students who I felt were friendly and honest. Campus is a happening place because of the size, the rest of the city is kind of meh but I guess you could find things to do. All things considered, it was a pleasant visit and am now truly considering it!
  9. I'm an Americanist focusing on behavior and minoring in methods.
  10. I have NO idea where to go. I am choosing between WashU, Minnesota, and Ohio. I'm an Americanist focusing on behavior and minoring in methods. Research interests- Modeling election behavior, women and politics, and political psychology. But... PLEASE HELP! All input is GREATLY appreciated!
  11. I did my undergrad at MN. I'm not going to lie, housing is not cheap. Be ready to share!
  12. I also got in to OSU. I want to know what's up!
  13. I just found this forum. I am also visiting March 5-8! I hope I get to meet some other prospective students. I am in the American field. Any current students in that program? Any particular, interesting details?
  14. I will not be accepting Arizona or Iowa. Anyone else?
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