Lets get 2013 underway
Usual format for posts:
Undergrad Institution: (School or type of school, such as big state, lib arts, ivy, technical, foreign (what country?)... Overall Reputation in Engineering?)
GPA in Major:
Overall GPA:
Length of Degree: (Are you graduating after 3, 4, or 5 years?)
Position in Class: (No numbers needed, but are you top? near top? average? struggling?)
Type of Student: (Domestic/International, male/female, minority?)
GRE Scores:
TOEFL Total: (if applicable, otherwise delete this)
Research Experience: (At your school or elsewhere? What field? How much time? Any publications (Mth author out of N?) or conference talks etc...)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: (Within your school or outside?)
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: (Such as tutor, TA, organization officer etc...)
Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:
Applying for [ MS ] or [ PhD ] at:
School - Department - decision/date/funding
School - Department - decision/date/funding
School - Department - decision/date/funding
School - Department - decision/date/funding