Hello all,
Great discussion and question. Between the coasts there are more programs related to visual culture than Texas Tech. Southern Methodist University in Dallas launched a new PhD program called RASC/a (Spanish for "scratch" - acronym stands for Rhetoric of Art, Space, and Culture). It focuses on the crossroads between art history and visual culture. The program especially emphasizes spatial and visual culture as well as transnational identity studies. For more, check out: http://www.rasc-a.com/ They offer a very competitive fellowship that will definitely help if you're interested in doing research abroad.
The campus is beautiful, the professors are well regarded (and from a variety of institutions including Yale and Harvard as well as UC Santa Barbara and Buffalo New York). I may be a bit bias, as I'm already enrolled, but I feel that anyone interested in Visual Culture studies would do well here. I also have a background as a practicing artist and art instructor. I think such experience is highly valued in the RASC/a program, which is unique in comparison to more traditional programs. Buena Suerte con su buscada!