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Posts posted by thinking

  1. If they ask for just references, it is fine to just list name and contact information. In the case of the job post above, they specified that they wanted letters of references, so you would need to ask your professors to submit letters on your behalf. Good luck!

  2. Update: I sent a follow up e-mail, and the professor responded in less than 10 minutes. Hope this helps future applicants dealing with similar issues. The lesson is: 1) professors are super busy, so 2) it's your job to get those letters. This advice is provided that your initial request still gives the professor a gentle out so that you're not forcing a letter out of them.

  3. Thanks everyone for your helpful insights. I'm going to send the professor a follow-up e-mail, which I wouldn't have had the nerves to do if it weren't for your comments.

    I wonder what a "No, I don't think I should write your letter" response would look like. I have 2 solid letters based on research experience from two different labs, but I'm struggling to secure the third letter, which will probably end up being a "She got an A in my class but I don't know know her super well," anyway. Unfortunately, most programs require 3 letters, and want 3 strong ones.

    One additional question: Have most of you gotten all 3 (or more) letters from professors in your field? Does it raise a red flag to have one of your letters from a different academic department?


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