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Posts posted by wayoutwest128

  1. @wildviolet, although I researched each program I was considering exhaustively, by visiting I learned that information is not presented in the same way online (and through publications) as it is in more personal settings. A PhD is a huge investment of time, and the cost of a plane ticket pales in comparison. If you're seriously considering UW, you should visit, especially if a formal visit day is offered. If Michigan State is the clear front-runner but you want to do due diligence in your decision-making--that is, to make sure you're not missing some key bit of info that could complicate your decision--IMO you could probably get away with skipping the visit if you were willing to be extremely proactive about scheduling time to chat with a handful of current students and faculty in the program (I would say at least 5 students and 3 faculty). Good luck!

  2. Official acceptance from Penn State arrived today (letter printed on Feb 3). No automatic funding, but phone call on Jan 31st indicated they were recommending me for an assistantship.

    I almost didn't finish my Penn State application because of concerns of fit (especially since I was interested in working with Don Heller, who announced his departure for MSU during the fall...after I was already knee-deep in my app). Shows what a crapshoot this can be. A major take-away from the process is just how easily I could have gone 0/5 or 0/6. I was aware of that going in, since I consciously chose not to apply to a "safety" (I'm pretty happy with my job/life, and I didn't want to uproot without just cause). Still, at least in my case, I feel like the line between 2/6 and striking out without a single interview was even finer than I anticipated.

    Congrats to the recently admitted!

    Lots and lots of good luck to those still waiting!

  3. I think I'm the only person posting in this thread considering Penn State, so this may not be helpful to anyone else. A professor called me, said that I seemed like a great match for the program, talked about upcoming research opportunities, and mentioned that he was seeking out funding for me. We chatted for a bit, and the tenor of the conversation was, "We want you to come here," so I'm interpreting this as a very likely acceptance to Penn State. The professor whom I mentioned in my application was the one to call me, so in case anyone else does happen to be waiting on PSU, it could be a matter of professors getting around to making calls. The conversation had more to do with funding, which could also be why I received a call without an offer.

  4. abr, congrats! I completely understand the pre-interview freak out. For what it's worth, I think the pre-interview panic is far worse than the interview itself or post-interview stress. Good luck!

    For all those suffering from chest pain, angst (existential or general), pessimism, compulsive internet browsing, or other symptoms of PhD applications, it definitely relaxed me to find a few good jokes on the internet. Two recent favorites:

    A polar bear walks into a bar, sits down and order a "Bicardi and................................................ cola"

    Bartender asks, whats with the huge pause??? Polar Bear says "These? Born with'em...."

    (for those who like puns)

    A horse walks into a bar. Several people get up and leave because they realize the potential danger of the situation.

    (for those who like meta-humor)

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