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Posts posted by khall8

  1. Hi All. So I graduated from college back in '09 with a B.A. in Biology. I stayed in Boston after graduating and worked for the Division of Comparative Medicine at MIT. Realized that I'm not suited to work with animals in a lab setting and after making myself stay and suffer for almost two years, I left. I moved to NYC at the beginning of this summer and am working for a non-profit in development (not what I want to do).

    My problem is this: I want to pursue graduate school, but it's implausible to do this without continuing to work because I couldn't afford to rack up the debt of school + current debt + living expenses. I figure work will cover the living expenses and the bare minimum of school costs, loans, etc. I've been looking into things such as physical therapy and scientific journalism (do you get the feeling that I have no idea what I want to do anymore? I do.) but none of these are available on a part time basis. The voice in my head says I should start volunteering, mentoring, etc. to figure out what niche I really want to pursue. My question, besides asking for advice because I welcome it, is does any one know of part time scientific programs in NY?

    I appreciate any input :)

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