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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. When you work in the field of contemporary lit, that's one of the benefits! We get to write about CONTEMPORARY stuff! And we open doors for ourselves to enter the critical conversation. You can see how the other 3 articles situated themselves in their discussions to learn from them, but also to see what parts they didnt expand on but which you can expand on. When you think the audience is less familiar with the book, it seems to me all that you need to do is quote and or explain more passages before you go into your analysis. As a hopeful contemporary poetry scholar, I have to do the same, since only a handful of us end up having read the stuff I love. I hope that helps?
  2. OHMYGOSH. I'm waiting too. I would love to see that class list though. Because I.Am.A.Nerd. If you hear anything about how many people are waitlisted, the notifications, etc. (or if anyone else does)-- please pass it along.
  3. Woah, congratulations! That is really exciting, and Minneapolis seems really cool. Way to go!
  4. First, post it here for fun. And if you haven't let your school know yet, please do! I'm ONLY on waitlists! :cry: :oops:
  5. Yes, same question here. Like some of you, I did not get the email either. Oh this is too too sucky.
  6. Darn that sucks. I really wanted to go there too.
  7. I think it depends on what youre studying and who you might want to study with.... If you're looking at poetics, for example, get thee to Buffalo.
  8. Quoted from post above..... "While your application was well received by the committee, it did not make the top tier of our rankings. Because we only admit applicants with funding; we will not know if a teaching assistantship will be available for a couple more weeks."
  9. I got that same exact confusing email. Have we agreed to read this as a rejection or is it more like "you're on the bottom of the waiting list"? And also, is there any final date? To those of you that replied to this email for clarification, did you get any?
  10. Darnit. Why do they send the rejection letters at midnight? Because bad things happen at night. Watch out.
  11. I'm still waiting too, and on more than one school! Welcome to limbo.
  12. Sorry to hear that! I'm scared as heck.....
  13. Wow! OK. So the letter says that this list is comprised of a select few..... but I see, it's more like a relative term. They must have had a lot of applicants. I see we're in different areas, so I guess thats a good thing. Nevertheless, good luck with all your schools.
  14. disjecta- Are you the one who entered the waitlist on the results page for U Tenn? I'm just wondering if you have heard how many are on this list? I am on the waitlist too. I hope it's short short short.
  15. Does anyone know if there is a time for the April 15 deadline? Like, by midnight? As for anyone who did it last year, is it like this...? Someone could pass up a position at 10am and then at 11 they email the next person and invite them. And then someone else sits around until 6pm waiting to hear from his waitlists until deciding which of his schools to pass on? Is it an email checking frenzy and does it have a time limit?
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