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Everything posted by johnnehm

  1. Has anyone heard back from UVA? Its been over a month since they admitted a whole first round of students but we have heard nothing since.
  2. PhD. Got my MA from UofWindsor
  3. Just got rejected to McGill...Feels bad man
  4. Any UVA applicants having trouble logging into there applyyourself page?
  5. Claiming a GWU reject. This looks like it will be an 0/7 cycle.
  6. Same here actually. I also called the dept. and they said all results will be out this week.
  7. Fuck... Not what I wanted to hear
  8. I am getting very very worried. Is it safe to assume I am rejected to all of them? The list was: Columbia McGill Georgetown Washington University in St. Louis Brown UVA UPenn Am I basically out of the running for all of these schools? Was this cycle a terrible failure?
  9. Reading the first sentance of that made my heart leap I haven't heard back from anyone yet
  10. Both schools that I have not heard from yet
  11. I just called UVA, they women at the department said they are short staffed and doing everything in waves, so if I haven't been rejected than I should worry just yet, and that they probably havent gotten to my application.
  12. I am in IR. My stats are marginal... (3.4 Undergrad GPA, 3.8 M.A. GPA, 164 V 151 Q, 4.5 W, and 3 conference presentations).
  13. Just a quick question. I noticed that a couple acceptances to UVA have popped up, however I checked on applyyourself and my email, and nothing has come through. Is it safe to assume I was rejected? Feels bad man
  14. Ah yes, my subfield is IR.
  15. Anyone else have an idea? I keep looking at GRE averages at other schools and I am about where I need to be for verbal, and about 25% below (at least) for math.
  16. I just received my GRE scores today and I have been thoroughly disappointed. They were Verbal: 164 (94%) Math: 150 (53%) and AW 4.5 (72) The rest of my application is as such: I have a 10.35/13 GPA from a mid-range Canadian university, which is a B+ (10 is B+ and 11 is A-) in my undergrad. Additionally, I have an 11.33 GPA in my Master's from the same university. Both degrees are in Political Science. I have research experience since first year that was at a Track II diplomacy project. Additionally, I have three conferences attended, two of which were grad conferences, one will be next week end, which is the Middle East Studies Association. I was assured that my letters are strong (who's aren't). My question is that I think I have a fairly.... mediocre, application, and with this is mind, what are my chances at some of these listed schools. Schools: Columbia Brown Georgetown George Washington University of Virginia McGill University of British Columbia University of Wisconsin Johns Hopkins University of Penn What are some of the schools that are so clearly out of my range? I suspect, columbia, Georgetown should be scrapped. Thoughts?
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