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Posts posted by tolo

  1. Hi guys I am facing a dilemma and need your advice!

    I am in SIPA, SAIS and GSPP with no funding (JESUS, how can they be soo expensive ;(). As an int'l student myself, I am worried about the job placement after graduation. Int'l organizations and NGOs might be the most likely employers for me. I would be happy to work in private sectors but i heard it was really difficult to obtain the working visa now.

    I know GSPP has great program but I am worried about its connections in DC, and the tuition isn't any cheaper than SIPA/SAIS. As for SIPA, I constantly heard some negative comments about their program, and the cost is almost 10K more expensive than SAIS. However, their employment rate and salary seem much higher than SAIS(around 97 % for SIPA in 2008, while 93% for SAIS, according to their employment stats reports). Both SIPA and SAIS said the 2nd-year class got funding. Anyone knows how much it would be?

    Also, I got rejected by KSG...sad!! But I was thinking to reapply :lol: I really like their program and some of its professors, not solely for its prestige. I am also interested in applying to WWS next year basically for the funding opportunities. With more work experience and quant courses, maybe they will eventually admit me. I'd like to give it a shot but I don't know it's worth to wait another year. How much difference would KSG/WWS make in terms of career prospect? What can you get from their program, but not from other good programs, like SAIS/SIPA? Do they have much stronger alumni connections in the job market, especially in int'l organizations and consulting companies? I heard SAIS and SIPA are the biggest feeders to World Bank and UN, however, what is it like when it comes to KSG and WWS? Do KSG/WWS students have MUCH more opportunites?

    I am really confused now...which one should I choose? SIPA, SAIS or GSPP? Or, I should try my luck to reapply next year? Please share your thoughts with me! Thanks!

  2. Thank you all, jpa, energie, gizmooow and DevelopmentGuy.

    To energie: glad to see you here and congrats! SAIS also recommends that I should take the English Pre-term courses.

    To gizmooow: Does it mean we need to take 2 concentrations at the same time, one under int'l econ program, the other under the regional/functional studies?

    To jpa: Do you know how much funding could the 2nd-year SAIS students possibly get? SIPA said almost half of the 2nd-year class got fundings. But I wanna know how much would it cover the total expenses for one academic year.

    To DevelopmentGuy: I believe GSPP has great MPP program with stellar faculty and rigorous policy analysis trainning. Esp. their econ courses seem pretty solid. I heard that a 2nd-year student from my home country has already found a job from world bank. However, I am not sure how much it takes. Maybe harder compared to SAIS? SAIS employment stats report said int'l org like world banks recruited 13 % of its grads in 2008. But I heard places like WB ususally hires PHDs for permanent positions. For students with master degrees, the job is only temporary. You have to leave when your project is done. Not sure if its true. Anyone knows about it?

  3. Thx for the info, jpd and gizmooow, I guess I'll e-mail them about this later...hope it'll be a yes...I am a bit worried now cuz they said IDEV is a capped one, and maybe the switching wouldn't be easy... By the way, do you guys know about their int'l economic program? Is it integrated with other concentratons, which means we all should study the Int'l Econ no matter what concentration we choose?

    I am in both SIPA and SAIS...also GSPP...gizmoow you said SAIS is your top choice..may I know why? Personally I am not leaning toward GSPP cuz they gave me no funding and I am worried about their connections in DC...afterall, GSPP is in the west coast. As for SIPA and SAIS, I really don't know which one I should choose. I heard SIPA is a cash cow and the tuition is 42K this year, almost 10K more expensive than SAIS!!! However, SIPA seems to have close connections with UN, one of the ideal employers I'd like to work for. Another is World Bank...I heard SAIS has a lot of grads who work there...really dillemma for me...any advice?

  4. I 've noticed SAIS has an int'l econ program. My understandings are each student must take the int'l econ program as part of the M.A. study, accompanied with a concentration in the functional or regional studies, such as IDEV, Int'l policy or canadian studies. However, someone said the Int'l econ is the same as IDEV and other concentrations. You only need to choose one of them. Which one is right??? I am really confused...please help! thanks

  5. Hi, gizmooow

    GREAT to see you again! I remember we both got into SIPA. So which one are you leaning toward now? Maybe you have other choices? Congrats again! you'll see the IDEV acceptance on the snail mail later :)

    By the way, do you or anyone else know if its possible to switch the concentration after enrollment ? I want to take the IDEV track but I applied for Int'l policy, also a capped one ( I thought the intermediate macro/micro was a must before application, rather than enrolloment.. :evil: )

  6. Hi, I just got in SAIS's M.A. program, with the international policy concentration. However, I really want to study the IDEV track. I misunderstood the IDEV admissions requirement when I applied, so I ended up applying for the int'l policy instead....now I just realized it... :x

    So I wondered is it possible to switch to IDEV after enrollment? Or should I talk to admissions committee about this now??

    Any information will be appreciated!!! thanks!!

  7. congrats!

    I am also in but they recommend that I should attend SAIS Pre-Term English program(I am an international applicant). Anyone else is recommended with this too?

    By the way, the decision letter didn't mention which concentration I am enrolled in. I chose Int'l policy as my 1st intended concentration, however, its said this one enrolls a limited number of applicants. I am not sure if the snail mail will clarify this. Anyone knows about it? Thanks.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear that Baryon... At least they told you you're good!

    and you sound like a strong candidate with your stats and experiences, which must mean you'll do good at others.

    I'm getting ready with my list of things to say to them if they reject me too... which I think is the case bcz I doubt I'm considered for any funding and if at least one of the guys on the committee already said no, well, I don't think my stats are strong enough to revoke that. I know, I'm over-analyzing, but I've been waiting for a good week and a half and this is driving me CRAAAZZY :twisted:

    Anyways, I've started noticing more "I's" or "Internationals" on the result page, and I'm an international too.

    I hope some of you who got your results already reads this. If you did, can you share your TOEFL score on this thread, whether rejected/accepted? I can see the other stats on the result page/threads but I never see anyone sharing their TOEFL score.

    I know a friend who didn't score that high and went to SIPA (but 5 yrs ago...) so I'm just curious to see how much the TOEFL thing matters. Thanks!

    --- Hi, I'd like to share my stats...I got 109 on IBT(internet-based tofel...about 630 for paper-based)...plus, I don't think TOFEL matters a lot..I know someone with relatively low tofel score but still got in....so dont worry.

  9. Thank you guys!

    To gizmooow--

    Me too...I don't even have enough money to pay for the tuitions :( , not to mention their language program...Anyway I'm happy to get in and best luck to your application!

    To energie--

    Congrats! May I know what concentration did you pick up? I picked up EPD and heard this one requires better english. Can I share your test scores? My tofel seems ok but I only scored 590 on GRE's verbal part...maybe this is why I am required to take their program?

  10. Hi everyone, I am an international applicant and recently got into SIPA's MPA program. My decision letter said I must enroll in its English class at Columbia's American Language Program (ALP) in the summer semester prior to enrollment. I feel a bit weird because my TOFEL score isn't bad, and I assume they decide whether or not u need to take this language program based on your language test scores.

    How about the other int'l admitted students on this board? Are you required to take it too?

    Also, I chose the economic and political development concentration when I applied, but I am also pretty interested in the international trade and finance. Is it possible to switch to another concentration after enrollment? My understandings are EPD might lead you to work for int'l organizations or NGO dealing with poverty issues, democracy..etc, while the latter is mainly for ppl who wanna get into private sectors, like consulting or banks.

    Any reply would be greatly appreciated!

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