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Posts posted by quiltedgiraffe

  1. Hey quiltedgiraffe. Congratulations on your Princeton acceptance. I loved Princeton, however, the experience for undergraduates differs from that of graduate students in very significant ways. Princeton is definitely more of an undergraduate-focused university, so in that sense, it was a wonderful place to go to college. I can't speak about the German department but I do know that the French department at Princeton (at the graduate level) is one of the top programs in the country. They all work really hard to finish the PhD in 5 years (whereas everywhere else people take 6 or 7 years on average). The town itself is small, chic, quite expensive and not very exciting. However NYC and Philly are each one hour away by train, so it's really not that bad. Princeton's campus is gorgeous. I miss it so much. Harvard's just doesn't come close. During the nicer months, you could definitely get a lot of reading done out and about on campus (Chancellor Green is a particularly awesome alternative to Firestone, i.e. the main library). Cloistering yourself in Firestone, especially in the underground floors, will get depressing fast, so I don't recommend it! I'd be happy to answer other questions via PM. Good luck with your decision!

    Thanks, Joey. That helps. The German department at Princeton is amazing, really world-class, and that's what matters most! They're doing an open house weekend next month, which I'm really excited about.

    Though it seems shockingly expensive to live in Princeton on the (admittedly very generous) stipend. Graduate housing on campus is as much as I pay in rent in NYC! Granted, I have a housemate here, but still!

  2. JoeySsance, how did you like Princeton? I've been accepted there (for German, not French). I'm from NYC and the thought of moving to Princeton, NJ is a little scary. (Though truth be told, I'll probably be spending most of my time in the library no matter where I end up going!)

  3. Congrats!! I got a big fat "no", so I'm pretty let down. I had a particular interest in Princeton's program, I have to say. But I had a few freak out moments last week that prepared me for this, so I'm going to take solace in my one acceptance and hope at least one other program works out. Good luck peeps :)

    Oh, I'm so sorry! I was hoping we would all get in. You seem so well-prepared. Who knows what ad coms are looking for. (I only have an undergrad degree, but my interests are completely different than yours.)

    Anyway, does anyone know if Princeton does a visiting weekend or anything like that? Or would it be weird to email the DGS and ask if I could visit the department?

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