Seriously, and I had two worthless BAs to boot (Film/ English). I spent my first year out of undergraduate working for a reading program that only required a high school degree. Great experience, incredibly rewarding, horrible pay, red tape at every angle. That first year I applied to 13 MFA programs and was rejected to EVERY SINGLE ONE. The second year I moved to a major city with my significant other who did get accepted to grad school ( a very good school) and spent the last 9 months working a thankless retail job and sulking about how I would never get into grad school. I finally got the nerve up to reapply (this time for English with film and cultural studies), I opened a small credit card and put every application, ets fee, and postage on that. And I'll tell you what, It was all worth it, because now I'm in and every thing I worked for in undergrad finally paid off and now I can actually appreciate what it feels like not to be in school.