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Posts posted by jofisher1983

  1. Hello, My name is Johanna and I am in the process of applying to grad schools (maybe). I need some advice! When I finished all my course work my GPA was a 3.59 which I was very excited about. About this time I got married which failed horribly and since I had always done so well at school I decided to take a semester of classes to take my mind off of things. Unfortunately I was in no place to do so and end up having to stop going to school and getting 3 WU (which equal F's). This dropped my GPA to a 3.01. I am terrified and do not know what to do. Should I just forget about grad school? I mean I was on the Presidents Honor List for a couple of semester and graduated with a certificate in Leadership. I had amazing grades and I worked really hard to keep them high and now i feel like I will not get into the program I want because this was the last semester I went to school. Can someone give me some advice on what I can do? Please anyone I really want to go to grad school and I am finally in a place that I can.

  2. Hello, My name is Johanna and I am in the process of applying to grad schools (maybe). I need some advice! When I finished all my course work my GPA was a 3.59 which I was very excited about. About this time I got married which failed horribly and since I had always done so well at school I decided to take a semester of classes to take my mind off of things. Unfortunately I was in no place to do so and end up having to stop going to school and getting 3 WU (which equal F's). This dropped my GPA to a 3.01. I am terrified and do not know what to do. Should I just forget about grad school? I mean I was on the Presidents Honor List for a couple of semester and graduated with a certificate in Leadership. I had amazing grades and I worked really hard to keep them high and now i feel like I will not get into the program I want because this was the last semester I went to school. Can someone give me some advice on what I can do? Please anyone I really want to go to grad school and I am finally in a place that I can.

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